class TimerProcess:计时器 { 私有 int _flag = 0 ; 公共 int 标志 { 获取 {返回 _flag; } set {_flag = value ; } } 私有 int _hour = 0 ; 公共 int 小时 { 获取 {返回 _hour; } set {_hour = value ; } } 私有 int _minute = 0 ; 公共 int 分钟 { 获取 {返回 _minute; } set {_minute = value ; } } 私有 int _second = 0 ; 公共 int 第二 { 获取 {返回 _second; } set {_second = value ; } } 私有 int _mode = 0 ; 公共 int 模式 { 获取 {返回 _mode; } set {_mode = value ; } } 私有 int _totalTime = 0 ; 公共 int TotalTime { 获取 {返回 _totalTime; } set {_totalTime = value ; } } 私有 字符串 [] run_time = {" "}; 公共 字符串 []运行时间 { 获取 {返回运行时间; } set {run_time = value ; } } 私有 int increment_num = 0 ; 公共 int Increment_num { 获取 {返回 } set {increment_num = value ; } } 计时器_timer; 标签_label; 公共 TimerProcess( int 小时, int 分钟, int 秒, int 模式,标签标签, int 总计,字符串 [] run_time,计时器计时器) { 此.小时=小时; 此.Minute=分钟; 此.秒=秒; 此.Mode=模式; 此.TotalTime=总计; 此.Run_time= run_time; _label =标签; _timer =计时器; _timer.Tick + = 新 EventHandler(timer_Tick); } 公共 静态 字符串 convertSecond2Hour( int 秒) { TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs); 字符串小时= 字符串 .Format(" {0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", 小时 分钟 t.秒); 返回小时; } 私有 无效 timer_Tick(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { _timer.Stop(); _timer.Enabled = true ; 如果(分钟< 0 ) { 分钟= 59 ; 小时=小时- 1 ; } 如果(第二== 0 ) { Second = 59 ; 如果(分钟== 0 ) { 分钟= 59 ; 小时=小时- 1 ; } 其他 { 分钟=分钟- 1 ; } } _label.Text = " 0" +小时+ " :" +分钟+ " :" +秒; Second = Second- 1 ; Increment_num + = 1 ; 如果(标记< Run_time.Length) { 如果(增量编号== Convert.ToInt32(Run_time [Flag] .ToString())) { Increment_num = 0 ;标记+ = 1 ; MessageBox.Show(Run_time [Flag- 1 ].ToString()); } } 其他 {_timer.Stop(); _label.Text = convertSecond2Hour(TotalTime); } } 公共 无效 timer_start(按钮btnStart) { btnStart.Enabled = false ; _timer.Start(); } 公共 无效 timer_stop(按钮btnStart) { _timer.Enabled = false ; _label.Text = convertSecond2Hour(TotalTime); btnStart.Enabled = true ; } 公共 无效 timer_pause(按钮btnPause) { 如果(btnPause.Text == " 暂停" 跨度>) { _timer.Stop(); btnPause.Text = " 恢复" ; } 其他 如果(btnPause.Text == " 恢复") { _timer.Start(); btnPause.Text = " 暂停" ; } } }
公共 部分 class mainServer:表格 { 私有 无效 btnScerioStart_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { initializeTimer(真,假,假) ; } 私有 无效 btnScenarioPause_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { initializeTimer( false , true , false ) ; } 私有 无效 initializeTimer( bool 开始, bool 暂停, bool 停止) { int censage_id = 1 ; int hour = 1 ; int 分钟= 30 ; int sec = 24 ; int step_number = 5 ; 字符串 [] run_time = 新 字符串 [ step_number]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < step_number; i ++) { run_time [i] = 25 ; } TimerProcess t = 新 TimerProcess(小时,分钟,秒, 0 ,lblDuration,Convert.ToInt32(scenarioObject. getTotalDuration(Application.StartupPath + " \\ Xml \\ Scenario.xml" ," /scenarios/scenario [@id ='" + cens_id + " ']/steps/step").ToString()),run_time,timer); 如果(停止) { t.timer_stop(btnScenarioStart); } 如果(开始) { t.timer_start(btnScenarioStart); } 如果(暂停) { t.timer_pause(btnScenarioPause); } } 私有 无效 btnScenarioStop_Click(对象发件人,EventArgs e) { initializeTimer( false , false , true ) ; } }
Hi, all. I writing a winform application. I using a Timer control. I declared timer in a class & from main form that have timer control i will call to timer class. My code is below :
- Class: TimerProcess.cs
class TimerProcess : Timer { private int _flag = 0; public int Flag { get { return _flag; } set { _flag = value; } } private int _hour = 0; public int Hour { get { return _hour; } set { _hour = value; } } private int _minute = 0; public int Minute { get { return _minute; } set { _minute = value; } } private int _second = 0; public int Second { get { return _second; } set { _second = value; } } private int _mode = 0; public int Mode { get { return _mode; } set { _mode = value; } } private int _totalTime = 0; public int TotalTime { get { return _totalTime; } set { _totalTime = value; } } private string[] run_time = { "" }; public string[] Run_time { get { return run_time; } set { run_time = value; } } private int increment_num = 0; public int Increment_num { get { return increment_num; } set { increment_num = value; } } Timer _timer; Label _label; public TimerProcess(int hour, int minute, int second, int mode, Label label, int total, string[] run_time, Timer timer) { this.Hour = hour; this.Minute = minute; this.Second = second; this.Mode = mode; this.TotalTime = total; this.Run_time = run_time; _label = label; _timer = timer; _timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); } public static string convertSecond2Hour(int secs) { TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secs); string hour = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", t.Hours, t.Minutes, t.Seconds); return hour; } private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { _timer.Stop(); _timer.Enabled = true; if (Minute < 0) { Minute = 59; Hour = Hour - 1; } if (Second == 0) { Second = 59; if (Minute == 0) { Minute = 59; Hour = Hour - 1; } else { Minute = Minute - 1; } } _label.Text = "0" + Hour + ":" + Minute + ":" + Second; Second = Second - 1; Increment_num += 1; if (Flag < Run_time.Length) { if (Increment_num == Convert.ToInt32(Run_time[Flag].ToString())) { Increment_num = 0; Flag += 1; MessageBox.Show(Run_time[Flag - 1].ToString()); } } else { _timer.Stop(); _label.Text = convertSecond2Hour(TotalTime); } } public void timer_start(Button btnStart) { btnStart.Enabled = false; _timer.Start(); } public void timer_stop(Button btnStart) { _timer.Enabled = false; _label.Text = convertSecond2Hour(TotalTime); btnStart.Enabled = true; } public void timer_pause(Button btnPause) { if (btnPause.Text == "Pause") { _timer.Stop(); btnPause.Text = "Resume"; } else if (btnPause.Text == "Resume") { _timer.Start(); btnPause.Text = "Pause"; } } }
-- This is my form class code behind
public partial class mainServer : Form { private void btnScerioStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { initializeTimer(true, false, false); } private void btnScenarioPause_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { initializeTimer(false, true, false); } private void initializeTimer(bool start, bool pause, bool stop) { int scenario_id = 1; int hour = 1; int minute = 30; int sec = 24; int step_number = 5; string[] run_time = new string[step_number]; for (int i = 0; i < step_number; i++) { run_time[i] = 25; } TimerProcess t = new TimerProcess(hour, minute, sec, 0, lblDuration, Convert.ToInt32(scenarioObject.getTotalDuration(Application.StartupPath + "\\Xml\\Scenario.xml", "/scenarios/scenario[@id='" + scenario_id + "']/steps/step").ToString()), run_time, timer); if (stop) { t.timer_stop(btnScenarioStart); } if (start) { t.timer_start(btnScenarioStart); } if (pause) { t.timer_pause(btnScenarioPause); } } private void btnScenarioStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { initializeTimer(false, false, true); } }
--- Issue is: if i click start -> stop button -> start buton , timer will creat new tick event but old event still run. How to fix it? I only want when i click stop button then all event tick will stop. Please help me. Sorry for my english :)