- 在cs文件文件中的按钮点击事件中我获取列表中的数据并将该列表绑定到gridview之后,通过使用.Show()方法显示modalpopextender
如何在modalpop显示之前显示加载text / immage
On Button click i am opening one modal pop using modalpopextender in that modal pop im showing data in gridvew.while biniding the data to gridview it is taking time to load the data in that , so i want to show loading image or loading text on click of button click till the data is loaded in gridview and after data get loaded in modalpop hide that loading tex or loading image.while showing loading image or text the conrols in that page should not be accessible.
I am doing like this
- on button click event in cs file file im getting the data in list and binding that list to gridview after that im showing that modalpopextender by using the .Show() method
how to show the loading text/immage before modalpop shown