本文介绍了带JS的RSpec + Capybara请求规格不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I cannot get request specs working when using Javascript.My specs pass if I run them without Javascript (the page is built to work with or without JS).

具体来说,当我执行诸如 Post。应该具有(1).record 之类的断言时,规范将失败。

Specifically, the specs fail when I do assertions like Post.should have(1).record.Capybara just doesn't pick up the records from the DB, and the database is not cleaned between runs.


I've tried using DatabaseCleaner with transactional fixtures disabled - the common approach to this, I guess. No dice.


I've also tried (and, would ideally prefer) running without DatabaseCleaner, using transactional fixtures and forcing AR to share the same connection between threads (a patch described by José Valim). Again, no dice.


Additionally, I've also tried switching between Capybara-webkit and Selenium - the issue persists.


I've put up a sample app with just a basic Post scaffold, that replicates the problem: https://github.com/cabgfx/js-specsThere's a spec_helper.rb with transactional fixtures and AR shared connection, and a spec_helper_database_cleaner.rb for the other scenario.


I normally use Spork, but I've disabled it in both spec_helper.rb files, just to eliminate a potential point of failure (in both apps; the "real" one and the sample app).

我在Macbook Air上使用Pow在本地开发,运行OS X 10.7.3和MRI 1.9.3并通过RVM。 (我也在1.9.2上尝试过)。

I develop locally using Pow on a Macbook Air, running OS X 10.7.3 with MRI 1.9.3 thru RVM. (I also tried on 1.9.2).

希望我有道理-任何指导/帮助/指针非常感谢! / p>

Hope I'm making sense - any guidance/help/pointers are greatly appreciated!



Matt - thanks a lot for taking time to assist me!I tried setting it up with your spec_helper, using Selenium as the javascript driver.

该规范仍然失败-但我可以看到正在执行正确的行为Firefox ...

The spec still failed - but I could see the correct behavior being executed in Firefox...Then it dawned on me, that the problem might occur because of Capybara not waiting for AJAX requests to finish.

然后我恢复了我的状态最初的spec_helper(带有Spork,没有DatabaseCleaner),并且仅使用了Capybara的 wait_until {page.has_content? }

I then reverted to my initial spec_helper (with Spork and no DatabaseCleaner), and simply used Capybara's wait_until { page.has_content? "text I'm inserting with JS" }.

我更新了示例应用,并添加了 sleep 1 ,因此您可以自己查看。现在无论有没有Spork,它都可以使用,而AR猴子补丁似乎可以完美地工作。

I updated the sample app, and just added sleep 1 in the request spec, so you can see for yourself. It now works with and without Spork, and the AR monkey patch seems to work perfectly.

这篇关于带JS的RSpec + Capybara请求规格不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 11:57