


Hello, i wrote this loop to get all processes by using Process.GetProcesses()

foreach (var currentProcess in Process.GetProcesses())

    bool is32bit = false;
    IntPtr hprocess = OpenProcess((PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_WRITE), false, currentProcess.Id);
    IsWow64Process(hprocess, out is32bit);

    if (hprocess != IntPtr.Zero)
        if (is32bit = false)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} - 64 BIT", hprocess, currentProcess.ProcessName);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} - 32 BIT", hprocess, currentProcess.ProcessName);







I am facing some issues...

1) I get 0 instead of a handle IntPtr on many processes
2) There where i don't get 0, i get the same handle for more than one process (the sample output below)
3) Only 32bit processes are beign enumerated unfortunately (the sample output below)

This is the sample output. ANY help would be appreciated!!!

556: putty - 32 BIT<br />
556: vmware-unity-helper - 32 BIT<br />
556: Greenshot - 32 BIT<br />
556: RAVCpl64 - 32 BIT<br />
556: notepad - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: vmplayer - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: MOM - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
556: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
564: TeamViewer - 32 BIT<br />
564: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: calc - 32 BIT<br />
568: explorer - 32 BIT<br />
568: conhost - 32 BIT<br />
568: taskhostex - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: xampp-control - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: conhost - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: notepad++ - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: AdobeIPCBroker - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: conhost - 32 BIT<br />
568: IntelliTrace - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: bdwtxag - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: MSBuild - 32 BIT<br />
568: CCC - 32 BIT<br />
568: vprintproxy - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT<br />
568: putty - 32 BIT<br />
568: chrome - 32 BIT


if (is32bit = false)

都是错误的(应该是'==';比较,而不是你写的任务)和愚蠢,因为 is32bit 已经是布尔值。应该是:

is both buggy (should be '=='; comparison, not assignment you wrote) and silly, because is32bit is already Boolean. Should be:

if (is32bit)
    // ...

另外,你不应该打开这个过程来获得一个处理。相反,使用 currentProcess.Handle


可能你需要同时显示句柄 Id ,或者更好的是, Id ,因为句柄几乎没用。只有 Id 适合在不同的进程中使用;这是进程的与进程无关(系统范围)的ID。在不同应用程序域的地址空间中获得的相同进程的句柄将是不同的数值。


Also, you should not open the process to get a handle. Instead, use currentProcess.Handle:

Probably you need to show both Handle and Id, or, even better, Id only, because Handle is nearly useless to from the user's standpoint. Only the Id is good for using in different processes; this is the process-independent (system-wide) ID of a process. Handles of the same process obtained in the address spaces of different application domains will be different numerical values.



08-19 14:47