So if I was given a sorted list/array i.e. [1,6,8,15,40], the size of the array, and the requested number..
How would you find the minimum number of values required from that list to sum to the requested number?
例如,给定数组[1,6,8,15,40],我请求数字23,它将使列表(8和15)中的2个值等于23.然后函数将返回2( #个值).此外,数组中的数字数量不受限制(因此您的函数将始终返回一个值)
For example given the array [1,6,8,15,40], I requested the number 23, it would take 2 values from the list (8 and 15) to equal 23. The function would then return 2 (# of values). Furthermore, there are an unlimited number of 1s in the array (so you the function will always return a value)
NP完全子集和问题可以简化为您的问题:给定一组整数 S 和一个目标值 s ,我们构造具有值的集合 S' S 中每个 x 的(n + 1)x 并设置目标等于(n + 1)s .如果原始集合中有一个子集 S 总和为 s ,那么新集合中的子集大小最多为 n 到(n + 1)s ,并且这样的集合不能包含额外的1.如果没有这样的子集,那么作为答案产生的子集必须至少包含 n + 1 个元素,因为它需要足够的 1s 才能达到的倍数n + 1 .
The NP-complete subset-sum problem trivially reduces to your problem: given a set S of integers and a target value s, we construct set S' having values (n+1) x for each x in S and set the target equal to (n+1) s. If there's a subset of the original set S summing to s, then there will be a subset of size at most n in the new set summing to (n+1) s, and such a set cannot involve extra 1s. If there is no such subset, then the subset produced as an answer must contain at least n+1 elements since it needs enough 1s to get to a multiple of n+1.
So, the problem will not admit any polynomial-time solution without a revolution in computing. With that disclaimer out of the way, you can consider some pseudopolynomial-time solutions to the problem which work well in practice if the maximum size of the set is small.
Here's a Python algorithm that will do this:
import functools
S = [1, 6, 8, 15, 40] # must contain only positive integers
@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) # memoizing decorator
def min_subset(k, s):
# returns the minimum size of a subset of S[:k] summing to s, including any extra 1s needed to get there
best = s # use all ones
for i, j in enumerate(S[:k]):
if j <= s:
sz = min_subset(i, s-j)+1
if sz < best: best = sz
return best
print min_subset(len(S), 23) # prints 2
即使对于相当大的列表(我测试了n = 50个元素的随机列表),这也是易处理的,提供其值是有界的.使用S = [random.randint(1, 500) for _ in xrange(50)]
,min_subset(len(S), 8489)
This is tractable even for fairly large lists (I tested a random list of n=50 elements), provided their values are bounded. With S = [random.randint(1, 500) for _ in xrange(50)]
, min_subset(len(S), 8489)
takes less than 10 seconds to run.