


How do I generate a random number between 0 and n?


使用 rand(range)

来自 Ruby随机数 :


Finally, if you just need a random float, just call rand with no arguments.

Marc-AndréLafortune 所述/questions/198460/how-to-get-a-random-number-in-ruby/2773866#2773866>他在下面的回答(投票), Ruby 1.9.2拥有自己的Random(Marc-André本人有助于调试,因此该功能的目标1.9.2 .

As Marc-André Lafortune mentions in his answer below (go upvote it), Ruby 1.9.2 has its own Random class (that Marc-André himself helped to debug, hence the 1.9.2 target for that feature).


For instance, in this game where you need to guess 10 numbers, you can initialize them with:

10.times.map{ 20 + Random.rand(11) }
#=> [26, 26, 22, 20, 30, 26, 23, 23, 25, 22]


  • 使用Random.new.rand(20..30)(使用Random.new)通常不是一个好主意,正如,在(再次).

  • Using Random.new.rand(20..30) (using Random.new) generally would not be a good idea, as explained in detail (again) by Marc-André Lafortune, in his answer (again).

但是,如果您不使用Random.new,则类方法rand 仅采用max值,而不采用Range,如 banister (大力地)在注释中指出(并在文档中Random ).只有实例方法可以采用Range,如生成具有7位数字的随机数所示.

But if you don't use Random.new, then the class method rand only takes a max value, not a Range, as banister (energetically) points out in the comment (and as documented in the docs for Random). Only the instance method can take a Range, as illustrated by generate a random number with 7 digits.

这就是为什么Random.new.rand(20..30)等于20 + Random.rand(11)的原因,因为Random.rand(int)返回一个大于或等于0且小于自变量的随机整数". 20..30包括30,我需要给出一个0到11之间的随机数,不包括11.

This is why the equivalent of Random.new.rand(20..30) would be 20 + Random.rand(11), since Random.rand(int) returns "a random integer greater than or equal to zero and less than the argument." 20..30 includes 30, I need to come up with a random number between 0 and 11, excluding 11.


05-28 18:29