Hi here.
I have a rectangle that i draw on a picture. My rectangle is rotated. I want to get exactly what is in the rectangle but when i try, i get another content with some parts of of my rectangle's borders visible. Can you help me ?
Here is my coee. Could you please tell me what is going wrong with it ? Thank you.
Dim pt1 As PointF = New Point(x, y) '' Point de départ du rectangle
Dim pt2 As PointF = New Point(x + width, y) '' Point de coordonnées X + largeur, Y
Dim pt3 As PointF = New Point(x, y + height) '' Point de coordonnées X , Y + hauteur
Dim pt4 As PointF = New Point(x + width, y + height) '' Point de coordonnées X + largeur , Y + hauteur
<pre lang="vb">' RRotatePoint is the function i use to rotate points
pt1 = RRotatePoint(pt1, angle_r, origine)
pt2 = RRotatePoint(pt2, angle_r, origine)
pt3 = RRotatePoint(pt3, angle_r, origine)
pt4 = RRotatePoint(pt4, angle_r, origine)
draw = True
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Pic_Pic.Image)
Dim pen1 As Pen = New Pen(couleur, 2)
g.DrawLines(pen1, New Point() {Point.Round(pt1), Point.Round(pt2), Point.Round(pt4), Point.Round(pt3), Point.Round(pt1)})
<pre lang="vb">' get the part captured in the rectangle in color en display it in a picturebox
Dim imh As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Pic_Pic.Image)
Dim imi As Bitmap = Nothing
Dim imig As Graphics = Nothing
imi = New Bitmap(CInt(width), CInt(height))
imig = Graphics.FromImage(imi)
imig.DrawImage(imh, 0, 0, New System.Drawing.Rectangle(posX, posY, widX, heiY), GraphicsUnit.Pixel)</pre>