


I would like to create a library of QML custom controls that I would provide to my customers. At the same time I don't want my customers to "reverse-engineer" my controls by peeking into the QML source code.


What are my best options to avoid this? The ideal scenario would that I provide my controls as a compiled library that they could import in their own projects.


My target platforms are iOS and Android.


这个问题意味着作者具有使用QML技术本身(不是C ++)实现的QML自定义控件.否则,它已经是 QML C ++插件,并在形式的编译库或其他形式的本机代码(我们可以只注册QML类型并从可执行文件中提供必要的导入).

The question implies that the author has QML custom controls implemented with QML technique itself (not C++). Otherwise that would be already QML C++ PlugIn and provided in the form compiled library or some other form of native code (we can just register QML type and provide the necessary import from within executable).

实施 QML插件(仅包含QML源代码)代码),我们应该创建特殊类型的项目.方便地将其组织为嵌套的 subdir项目,以使其与应用程序的其余部分一起工作.请注意,一个插件项目可能包含许多新的QML类型.

To implement QML PlugIn (with just QML source code) we should create special type of project. It is convenient to organize as nested subdir project to make it work altogether with the rest of the application. Mind that one plug-in project may contain many new QML types.

要使QML代码不可见,我们现在可以使用 Qt Quick编译器对其进行编译.某些Qt许可证.

And to make QML code not visible we can now compile it with Qt Quick compiler available under certain Qt licenses.


05-29 02:44