是否有任何工具可以对 QML 代码执行代码覆盖率分析?这样的问题甚至适用于像 QML 这样的声明性语言吗?
Are there any tools for performing code coverage analysis on QML code? Is such a question even applicable to a declarative language like QML?
最近在 QtCon 上有一个关于 C++ 和 QML 代码覆盖率的演讲.https://conf.qtcon.org/en/qtcon/public/events/407(打开页面,点击视频链接观看)
There was a talk recently on QtCon about C++ and QML code coverage. https://conf.qtcon.org/en/qtcon/public/events/407 (Open the page and click on video link to watch)
该演讲的作者是 froglogic GmbH 的联合创始人兼联合首席执行官 Harri Porten,该公司是一家销售自动化 GUI 测试工具的公司.他们还有一篇关于 QML 代码覆盖率的博文http://blog.froglogic.com/2014/10/measuring-qml-覆盖范围/
The talk was by Harri Porten who is co-founder and co-CEO of froglogic GmbH, a company which sells automated GUI testing tools. They also have a blog post about QML code coveragehttp://blog.froglogic.com/2014/10/measuring-qml-coverage/
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