大家好,我是 QT 新手,我无法通过另一个 qml 加载一个 qml基本上我已经创建了一个 qml MyTabView(MyTabView.qml)
Hi Everyone i am new to QT and i am having trouble loading one qml through another qmlBasically i have created a qml MyTabView(MyTabView.qml)
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
TabView {
width: 360
height: 360
Component.onCompleted: {
addTab("Tab 1", tab1)
addTab("Tab 2", tab2)
Component {
id: tab1
Rectangle {color: "red"}
Component {
id: tab2
Rectangle {color: "blue"}
我正在尝试通过同一目录中的另一个 qml(main.qml) 显示它
and i am trying to show it through another qml(main.qml) which is in the same directory
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import "."
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Main")
MyTabView {}
but when i try to run my project i get this error
QQmlApplicationEngine 加载组件失败qrc:/qml/main.qml:11 TabView 不是类型
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load componentqrc:/qml/main.qml:11 TabView is not a type
请注意,我在 MyTabView.qml 中有 M Caps,并且 MyTabView.qml 和 main.qml 位于同一目录中.
Please note that i have M Caps in MyTabView.qml and that MyTabView.qml and main.qml are in the same directory.
有人能指出我在做什么错误吗?我要指出的一件事是,当我在 main.qml
中替换 MyTabView.qml 的所有代码而不是 MyTabView {}
Can someone point me what mistake i am doing ?One thing i want to point is that when i replace all the code of MyTabView.qml instead of MyTabView {}
inside main.qml
,the program does not give any error and runs correctly.Thanks in advance
将您的 MyTabView.qml
添加到您的项目中 main.qml
您必须将 QML 文件放在资源中(可能是 main.qrc/qml/
Qt Creator 的编辑器不需要这个包含来找到你的类型,因此它不会显示错误.
Have you added the file to your Resources ?
Adding your MyTabView.qml
to your project in the same directory of main.qml
is not sufficient.
You have to put your QML file in the Resources (probably main.qrc/qml/
) in order to have it deployed.
The editor of Qt Creator does not need this inclusion in order to find your type, therefore it displays no error.
这篇关于QML 对象类型不是 QTCreator 中的类型错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!