您可以使用的一种解决方法是使用,而是在Qt 5.6中引入的。
### TextLine.qml
导入QtQuick 2.0
text:1 2 3 4 font.weight:Font。+ weight
font {
I have a QML app using the freely-available Encode Sans font, which comes in 9 weights that match Qt 5.6's font weights.
I have added all .ttf to my project, and am using a FontLoader
to load them. Everything works perfectly, except for the Thin weight of the font.
In addition to the code below I have tried providing a unique id
on the FontLoader for Thin, to ensure that the family name is the same (it is). How can I debug this problem and get Thin working?
### main.qml
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-Thin.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-ExtraLight.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-Light.ttf" }
FontLoader { id:mainFont; source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-Regular.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-Medium.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-SemiBold.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-Bold.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-ExtraBold.ttf" }
FontLoader { source:"qrc:/fonts/encodesans/EncodeSans-Black.ttf" }
Column {
TextLine { weight:"Thin" }
TextLine { weight:"ExtraLight" }
TextLine { weight:"Light" }
TextLine { weight:"Normal" }
TextLine { weight:"Medium" }
TextLine { weight:"DemiBold" }
TextLine { weight:"Bold" }
TextLine { weight:"ExtraBold" }
TextLine { weight:"Black" }
### TextLine.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
Text {
property string weight
text: "1 2 3 4 font.weight: Font."+weight
font {
weight: Font[weight]
family: mainFont.name
pixelSize: 36
This is a Qt bug : [QTBUG-53196] Thin fonts do not work in Qt
One workaround you could use is using the styleName
property instead wich was introduced in Qt 5.6 .The disadvantage of this method is that if you have some embedded bold in your text (with html or rich text), it won't work (if I understand this bug correctly).
You can use it like this :
### TextLine.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
Text {
property string weight
text: "1 2 3 4 font.weight: Font."+weight
font {
styleName: weight
family: mainFont.name
pixelSize: 36