


I am on the mainframe platform and uploaded the arial.ttf from Windows.
I used the following code for the font, but the font does not show SUBSETTED or EMBEDDED in Adobe.
I even tried to add font.getBaseFont to force it to embed.


Any reason why it would not embed or subset?

String font1 = "arial.ttf";
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(font1, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, true);
Font font =  FontFactory.getFont("arial");


Adob​​e doc显示以下字体信息:

Adobe doc show the following font information:

Type truetype
Encoding Ansi
Actual Font: ArialMT
Actual Font type: TrueType


您创建 BaseFont 对象 bf ,但你没有做任何事情。人们可以期望你这样做:

You create a BaseFont object bf, but you aren't doing anything with it. One would expect that you do this:

BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(pathToFont, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, true);
Font font = new Font(bf, 12);

在这种情况下, font 会确保因为编码是 Identity-H ,所以嵌入了字体的子集,iText总是嵌入带有该编码的字体的子集。

In this case, font would make sure that a subset of the font is embedded because the encoding is Identity-H and iText always embeds a subset of a font with that encoding.

由于你没有对 bf 做任何事情,就好像这条线不存在一样。在这种情况下,我们留下:

As you aren't doing anything with bf, it is as if the line isn't present. In that case, we are left with:

String font1 = "arial.ttf";
Font font =  FontFactory.getFont("arial");

假设路径 arial.ttf 是正确的,并且该字体的别名是arial,您现在正在创建一个具有默认编码(Ansi)的字体,默认字体大小(12)和默认嵌入(false)。

Assuming that the path to arial.ttf is correct, and that the alias of that font is "arial", you are now creating a font with the default encoding (Ansi), the default font size (12) and the default embedding (false).

这与Adobe Reader中显示的内容一致。如果你想要嵌入字体的子集,至少需要:

That is in line with what is shown in Adobe Reader. If you want a subset of the font to be embedded, you need at least:

Font font =  FontFactory.getFont("arial", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);


In answer to your question: the reason why the font is not embedded by iText is the fact that you are not telling iText to embed the font.


05-28 13:42