本文介绍了DataGridview(Windows 应用程序)中的行复制/粘贴功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个 C# windows 应用程序,想复制 DataGridView 中的一行并将其粘贴到新行中.我怎么能做到这一点?我使用的是 .net 框架 3.5.

I'm working on a C# windows application, and would like to copy a row in a DataGridView and paste it into a new row. How I can achieve this? I am using .net framework 3.5.


Can you please provide me with some ideas or some code that would indicate how I could achieve this?


我找到了一个 post 包含将值从剪贴板粘贴到 DataGridView 的代码.

I have found a post that contains code to paste values from clipboard into DataGridView.

我在谷歌上搜索如何粘贴到来自剪贴板的 C# 中的 DataGridView,一个信息,从 Excel 复制,但没有找到完整的答案.收集了几个来自论坛的主题并提出这个答案,希望它会有人的生活更轻松.你不必理解代码只需复制和粘贴


Below is a bit modified version. Beyond small refactoring I forbid paste into ReadOnly cells.


private void dataGridView1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    ClipboardUtils.OnDataGridViewPaste(sender, e);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Commons
    public class ClipboardUtils
        public static void OnDataGridViewPaste(object grid, KeyEventArgs e)
            if ((e.Shift && e.KeyCode == Keys.Insert) || (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V))

        public static void PasteTSV(DataGridView grid)
            char[] rowSplitter = { '
', '
' };
            char[] columnSplitter = { '	' };

            // Get the text from clipboard
            IDataObject dataInClipboard = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
            string stringInClipboard = (string)dataInClipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Text);

            // Split it into lines
            string[] rowsInClipboard = stringInClipboard.Split(rowSplitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Get the row and column of selected cell in grid
            int r = grid.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex;
            int c = grid.SelectedCells[0].ColumnIndex;

            // Add rows into grid to fit clipboard lines
            if (grid.Rows.Count < (r + rowsInClipboard.Length))
                grid.Rows.Add(r + rowsInClipboard.Length - grid.Rows.Count);

            // Loop through the lines, split them into cells and place the values in the corresponding cell.
            for (int iRow = 0; iRow < rowsInClipboard.Length; iRow++)
                // Split row into cell values
                string[] valuesInRow = rowsInClipboard[iRow].Split(columnSplitter);

                // Cycle through cell values
                for (int iCol = 0; iCol < valuesInRow.Length; iCol++)

                    // Assign cell value, only if it within columns of the grid
                    if (grid.ColumnCount - 1 >= c + iCol)
                        DataGridViewCell cell = grid.Rows[r + iRow].Cells[c + iCol];

                        if (!cell.ReadOnly)
                            cell.Value = valuesInRow[iCol];

这篇关于DataGridview(Windows 应用程序)中的行复制/粘贴功能的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-19 05:59