似乎也是最新的Android SDK工具仍不能正确支持包含链接库项目的应用程序测试。
It seems that also the latest android SDK tools still don't properly support testing of applications that contain linked library projects.
TESTLIB(机器人库项目)< - TestMain(Android项目)< - TestMainTest(机器人单元测试项目)
TestLib (android library project) <- TestMain (android project) <- TestMainTest (android unit test project)
我创建了日食所有这些项目,然后用 Android的更新(测试 - / lib-)项目...
生成构建。 XML
I created all those projects in eclipse and then used android update (test-/lib-)project ...
to generate the build.xml
et. al.
这个问题,只要你有一类TestMain( InheritAddition.java
在我的例子),开始一个继承自一个类TESTLIB( Addition.java
),并要引用这个类在单元测试( InheritAdditionTest.java
The problem starts as soon as you have a class in TestMain (InheritAddition.java
in my example) that inherits from a class in TestLib (Addition.java
) and you want to reference this class in the unit test (InheritAdditionTest.java
public class Addition {
public int add2(int o1, int o2) {
return o1 + o2;
public class InheritAddition extends Addition {
public int sub(int p1, int p2) {
return p1 - p2;
public class InheritAdditionTest extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testSub() {
Assert.assertEquals(2, new InheritAddition().sub(3, 1));
When building on the command line the result is the following:
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/test/main/InheritAddition
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): ... 26 more
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class ref in pre-verified class resolved to unexpected implementation
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): at dalvik.system.DexFile.defineClass(Native Method)
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): at dalvik.system.DexFile.loadClassBinaryName(DexFile.java:195)
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): at dalvik.system.DexPathList.findClass(DexPathList.java:315)
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(BaseDexClassLoader.java:58)
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:501)
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:461)
W/ClassPathPackageInfoSource(14871): ... 26 more
W/dalvikvm(14871): Class resolved by unexpected DEX: Lorg/test/main/InheritAddition;(0x41356250):0x13772e0 ref [Lorg/test/lib/Addition;] Lorg/test/lib/Addition;(0x41356250):0x13ba910
I found some workaround that works for eclipse:
That does the trick, but I am looking for a solution that works with ANT (more precisely I am looking for a solution that works on both at the same time).
The documented approach (by changing build.xml to include jars from the main project into the class path) is not applicable here as the sample project doesn't use any library jars (also I believe that this particular problem is now fixed with SDK tools r16).
我想解决了的蛮力方法是尝试,不知怎么删除 TestMainTest
的依赖关系到 TESTLIB
(通过修改 project.properties
),而是设法破解构建脚本把那些内置罐子到类路径中(所以替换 -compile
)。因为我有试图跟上Android的SDK工具链的变化很长的历史,这是不是真的我最喜欢的选择,因为它是一个)相当复杂和b)要求的的build.xml 每当工具链的变化(这是相当常见)。
I guess the brute force way of solving that is to try and somehow remove the dependencies of
to TestLib
(by modifying project.properties
) and instead manage to hack the build script to put those built jars into the class path (so replace the -compile
target with something that modifies the class path for javac
). Since I have a long history of trying to keep up with android SDK toolchain changes, this is not really my favorite option as it is a) rather complicated and b) requires constant modification of the build.xml
whenever the toolchain changes (which is quite frequently).
So I am looking for ideas of how to get such a setup working without using the sledge hammer. Maybe I am missing something totally obvious but for me this use case is fairly standard and I have a hard time understanding why this isn't supported out of the box.
@ wallacen60的回答是不错的。我昨天来到了同样的结论。 Neverthe少,还有另一种选择:不是不包括从测试谟的德兴的lib的jar,这将是很好,如果我们能找到一种方法,包括在编译的lib的jar文件(javac编译Ant文件的阶段)的测试,并仅在编译阶段,而不是德兴阶段。
The answer of @wallacen60 is nice. I came to the same conclusion yesterday. Neverthe less, there is another option : instead of excluding the lib's jar from dexing of the test projet, it would be nice if we could find a way to include the lib's jar in the compilation (javac, compile stage of the ant file) of test, and only in the compilation stage and not the dexing stage.
@ wallacen60的解决方案,而且介绍了3项目及其相关的汇编之间有很大的语义差别:在Eclipse应用程序依赖于LIB,测试依赖于应用程序。这是正确的方式来做到这一点。但在蚂蚁,无论是应用程序和测试依赖于库,似乎像一个坏redunduncy周期给我。
The solution of @wallacen60 moreover introduces a big semantic difference between the compilation of the 3 project and their dependencies : in Eclipse App depends on lib, test depends on App. And that is the right way to do it. But in ant, both App and Test depend on Lib and seems like a bad redunduncy cycle to me.
So, for now, what we did was to patch the test project's project.properties file so that it includes this line :
And we modified the ant file of the tested project so that the compile target includes the library : (look at the changed line, search for the word "change").
<!-- override "compile" target in platform android_rules.xml to include tested app's external libraries -->
<!-- Compiles this project's .java files into .class files. -->
<target name="-compile" depends="-build-setup, -pre-build, -code-gen, -pre-compile">
<do-only-if-manifest-hasCode elseText="hasCode = false. Skipping...">
<!-- If android rules are used for a test project, its classpath should include
tested project's location -->
<condition property="extensible.classpath"
<isset property="tested.project.absolute.dir" />
<condition property="extensible.libs.classpath"
<isset property="tested.project.absolute.dir" />
<echo message="jar libs dir : ${tested.project.target.project.libraries.jars}"/>
<javac encoding="${java.encoding}"
source="${java.source}" target="${java.target}"
debug="true" extdirs="" includeantruntime="false"
<src path="${source.absolute.dir}" />
<src path="${gen.absolute.dir}" />
<!-- steff: we changed one line here !-->
<fileset dir="${tested.android.library.reference.1}/bin/" includes="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${extensible.libs.classpath}" includes="*.jar" />
<compilerarg line="${java.compilerargs}" />
<!-- if the project is instrumented, intrument the classes -->
<if condition="${build.is.instrumented}">
<echo>Instrumenting classes from ${out.absolute.dir}/classes...</echo>
<!-- It only instruments class files, not any external libs -->
<emma enabled="true">
<instr verbosity="${verbosity}"
<!-- TODO: exclusion filters on R*.class and allowing custom exclusion from
user defined file -->
Indeed, this mechanism seems to be the right one as it mimics what eclipse does. But eclipse is able to know that the App depends on lib when compiling test. The only difference is that we exposed this relation manually in ant via the line (in project.properties)
但是它可能是可以自动这样做。我找不到,谷歌蚂蚁工具的机制用于生产从android.library REFID的librairy项目路径。*语句在project.properties。但是,如果我能找到这个机制,我可以传播这种依赖的测试项目,与Eclipse一样。
But it could be possible to do that automatically. I can't find the mechanism that google ant tools use to produce the librairy project path refid from the android.library.* statement in a project.properties. But if I could find this mechanism I could propagate this dependency in the test project, as eclipse does.
So I think the best would be to let google know that they have a patch to do, and temporarily keep the solution of exporting manually the dependency of th app project toward the lib project in order to compile the test project.
Can someone contact google about this bug ?