I am looking for the functionality that creates PDF Portfolios:
该图显示了可以从Adobe下载的免费adobe reader(duh!)。当我打开这个特定的PDF时,我很惊讶它具有所有这些布局,文件和附件功能。这绝对不是正常的PDF合并。它更像是一个包含多个PDF的包。
The image shows the free adobe reader that can be downloaded from Adobe (duh!). When I open this particular PDF, I was surprised that it has all these Layout, Files and Attachment features. It is definitely not the normal "PDF merge". It is more like a package with multiple PDFs.
Can itextsharp do this? What is the search term for this PDF functionality?
The term you're looking for is PDF Portfolios. You can create PDFs like this with iTextSharp. Here are a couple of C# examples from the iText book:
- Chapter16 - KubrickCollection
- Chapter16 - KubrickMovies
如果您选择下载KubrickMovies结果文件,请将扩展名更改为.pdf。现在注意到它 - 将在本周末尝试修复错误。
If you choose to download the KubrickMovies result file, change the extension to ".pdf". Just noticed it now - will try and fix the error this weekend.