我正在开发一个三星Galaxy Tab 10.1(安卓3.2)平板电脑的应用程序。该平板电脑将专门用于运行这个程序,它被用在工业环境中。我们的应用程序将拥有的平板电脑,用户可以仅通过我们的软件访问设备功能。我们已经有了像上运行姜饼手机大小的设备,这个运行一个成功的应用程序。
I'm developing a tablet app on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Android 3.2). The tablet will be dedicated to running this app, which is used in an industrial environment. Our app will "own" the tablet and users can only access device features via our software. We already have a successful app like this running on phone-sized devices running Gingerbread.
On the bottom of the tablet screen Samsung has placed a "System Bar" (N.B.- NOT the Action Bar) and all kinds of other apps and widgets can be accessed from this bar. Is there any way to programmatically access this System Bar, to either modify (depopulate it of all its apps and clutter and just keep the Home and Back buttons), or to hide it altogether?
您可以隐藏栏编程,但它需要root访问权限这样做。 这家伙写一个应用程序来做到这一点,并公布了源$ C $ C。
You can hide the bar programmatically, but it requires root access to do so. This guy wrote an app to do it, and published the source code.
这是可以去除的小应用程序,但它需要根 - 删除的APK,小应用程序指的是,他们会在酒吧中消失。有没有办法轻易,或编程方式做到这一点,最好的选择是编写自定义ROM与删除这些应用程序。它的屁股一个巨大的痛苦。
It is possible to remove the mini-apps, but it requires root - remove the APKs that the "mini apps" refer to, and they will disappear from the bar. There is no way to easily or programmatically do this, and your best option is to write a custom ROM with those apps removed. It's a giant pain in the ass.
如果你不用特意从3.2需要什么,那么你应该能够跟踪一只股票的android 3.1的形象,对Galaxy Tab的出货前的TouchWiz准备好了。这不会有迷你应用程序,或在系统栏上的截图按钮。如果你闪光,你不需要根,因为它是一个签名的图像。
If you don't need anything specifically from 3.2, then you should be able to track down a stock android 3.1 image that shipped on the galaxy Tab before touchwiz was ready. This will not have the "mini apps" or the screenshot button on the system bar. If you flash that, you won't need to root, as it's a signed image.