Hi all. I am trying to remove a Public IP Address of a specific VM in Azure, without having the knowledge of the public IP Address or Public IP Name.
我知道这样做的命令此处指定 - >
I am aware of the commands to do so specified here --> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/azurerm.network/remove-azurermpublicipaddress?view=azurermps-6.13.0
\but, all of this needs to be automated. For example:
- 在Azure中创建VM
- VM is created in Azure
- 有人给我VM名称和资源组名称(仅这两个)
- Someone gives me the VM Name and Resource Group Name (only these two)
- Azure Powershell需要在特定ResourceGroup下查询此特定VM,并删除其关联的公共IP
- Azure Powershell needs to query this specific VM under specific ResourceGroup, and remove its associated Public IP
In order to know the IP associated to the VM, you need to get the VM details first. Then you can get the NICs available and with the NIC's UR, you can get the Public IP associated with the NIC. Then you can finally remove it.