


I am trying to make a method which will take structs of a certain type and do operations on them. However, I need to have a method one can call on an instance of the stuct, and it will return objects of that struct's type. I am getting a compile time error because the return type of the type which implements the interface isn't the same as the interface's method return type, but that's because the interface needs to return values of it's own type.


type GraphNode interface {
    Children() []GraphNode
    IsGoal() bool
    GetParent() GraphNode
    SetParent(GraphNode) GraphNode
    GetDepth() float64
    Key() interface{}


type Node struct {
    contents []int
    parent   *Node
    lock     *sync.Mutex

func (rootNode *Node) Children() []*Node {


.\astar_test.go:11: cannot use testNode (type *permutation.Node) as type GraphNode in argument to testGraph.GetGoal:
*permutation.Node does not implement GraphNode (wrong type for Children method)
have Children() []*permutation.Node
want Children() []GraphNode


func (node *Node) GetParent() *Node {
    return node.parent


The above method fails because it returns a pointer to a node, and the interface returns type GraphNode.


* Node 不实现 GraphNode 接口,因为 Children()与界面中定义的不同.即使 * Node 实现了 GraphNode ,也不能在需要 [] GraphNode 的地方使用 [] * Node .您需要声明 Children()以返回 [] GraphNode . [] GraphNode 类型的切片的元素可以是 * Node 类型.

*Node doesn't implement the GraphNode interface because the return type of Children() isn't the same as that defined in the interface. Even if *Node implements GraphNode, you can't use []*Node where []GraphNode is expected. You need to declare Children() to return []GraphNode. The elements of a slice of type []GraphNode can be of type *Node.

对于 GetParent(),只需将其更改为此:

For GetParent(), just change it to this:

func (node *Node) GetParent() GraphNode {
    return node.parent


09-05 10:04