

在多个地方(例如"创建MSDN上的C#和Visual Basic 中的用于JavaScript的Windows运行时组件"),我已经看到它指定,如果您要在.NET中编写要从JavaScript使用的类,则必须将其设置为密封类.

In several places (e.g. "Creating Windows Runtime Components for JavaScript, in C# and Visual Basic" on MSDN), I've seen it specified that, if you write a class in .NET that you want to use from JavaScript, then you must make it a sealed class.


This seems like an arbitrary restriction. Why can JavaScript only work with sealed classes?


从JavaScript的角度来看,暴露给JavaScript应用程序的Windows运行时对象是封闭的-您不能将expando属性添加到WinRT对象.但是从C ++和C#中,如果对象支持继承,则可以继承winrt对象(例如,大多数Xaml类支持继承,而大多数其他类则不支持).

Windows runtime objects exposed to JavaScript applications are sealed from a JavaScript perspective - you can't add expando properties to WinRT objects. But from C++ and C#, winrt objects can be inherited if the object supports inheritance (most Xaml classes support inheritance for instance, but most others don't).


The reason that WinRT objects are sealed from JS is to ensure that the winrt object behave the same regardless of what the app has done - if an app redefines some function property on an object, it could cause other parts of the app to misbehave.


09-05 09:14