


Is it possible to wrap only function call with macro?


#define foo(x) bar(x)


it wraps both function call and definition.


I know about wrapping function with linker, but in this case I can't use this solution.


#define foo(x) bar(z)

int foo(int z){
//some code

int bar(int x){
//some code

int function(){
int a = foo(2);

我想诠释a = foo(2);预处理后变为int a = bar(2).目前,我仅收到重新定义"错误.

I want to int a = foo(2); after preprocessing become int a = bar(2).Currently I only receive "redefinition" error.


my example shows, what I want to achieve, but I in real code I have to put this macro to project via cmake file and I also can't modify source code in destination file. Sorry for not mention about it earlier.



use undef to manage the lifetime of your macros and not to screw with sections of code that aren't aware of your macros' existence.

int foo(int z){
//some code

int bar(int x){
//some code

int function(){
    #define foo(x) bar(z)
    int a = foo(2);
    #undef foo


This trick extends to things like header options, often things like Windows.h are included and the header's defines depend on defines defined outside of the header as follows:

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // used in ifdef checks to not define/include rarely used stuff
#define NO_STRICT // used to allow HANDLE types to be used as void * without type errors
#define NO_MINMAX // used to avoid errors because MIN/MAX are already defined
#include <Windows.h>


this pollutes scope with macros that have no use after the header finished parsing, so you can clean up by undefing them after include:

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // used in ifdef checks to not define/include rarely used stuff
#define NO_STRICT // used to allow HANDLE types to be used as void * without type errors
#define NO_MINMAX // used to avoid errors because MIN/MAX are already defined
#include <Windows.h>
#undef NO_MINMAX
#undef NO_STRICT

这使人们(尤其是C的初学者)更容易阅读您的代码,这知道这些是选项,并且在包含之后没有任何用处.这也使您可以进行有趣的类似于C ++的行为,例如基于包含之前定义的定义进行模板化,而不会多次包含标头而产生冲突.

This makes it easier for people reading your code, especially beginners to C to know that these are options and don't have any use after the include occurs. This also allows you to do interesting C++-like behaviors like templating based on defines defined before include, without conflicts of including headers multiple times.


09-03 04:46