

我已经安装了包含Electron和Vuetify框架的样板: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/电子

I've installed this boilerplate with Electron and Vuetify frameworks included: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/electron

我现在应该手动将package.json中的那些版本更改为最新版本并再次运行npm install吗?

Should I now manually change those versions in the package.json to the latest and run npm install again?

 "dependencies": {
    "vue": "^2.4.2",
    "vuetify": "0.17.4",
    "vue-electron": "^1.0.6",
  "devDependencies": {
    "electron": "^1.7.5",


Why do those dependencies have that ^ symbol if they still don't download the latest version?


The boilerplate has this code in one of the components and it's displaying the installed versions:

 export default {
    data () {
      return {
        electron: process.versions['atom-shell'],
        node: process.versions.node,
        vue: require('vue/package.json').version


It shows that it uses the latest version of vuejs (v2.5.13) but ancient versions of node and electron:

  • Electron: 1.7.10,即使在package.json中,我看到的是"electron": "^1.7.5",而最新版本是1.8.2.为什么会这样?

  • Electron: 1.7.10 even though in the package.json I see "electron": "^1.7.5" while the latest version is 1.8.2. Why is that?

Node: 7.9.0,我什至没有在package.json中看到它.如何将其更新为9.5.0?我想,更新Electron会自动更新节点,这是如何工作的?

And Node: 7.9.0 which I don't even see it in the package.json. How do I update it to 9.5.0? I suppose, updating Electron will update node automatically, is that how it works?


就我使用npm-packages而言,可以将npm-package版本手动更改为必需但可用的版本.在package.json中进行更改后,您可以安装依赖项或运行npm install,它将把指定的软件包安装到项目目录中.

As far as I worked with npm-packages it is possible to manually change the npm-package version to required but available version. Just after making changes in package.json you can install the dependencies or run npm install and it will install the specified package to project directory.


The tilde(~) sign shows that the rightmost value of specific package version will increment upto the latest available version value that was published. In short, the version ~1.1.2 will match and can update upto all 1.1.X versions of that specific package but will not match or update 1.2.0 version. While ~1.2 will match and can update upto 1.2.* through to 1.X.*.


The caret(^) sign allows you to update package to most recent major version (referencing to the first number of package version). i.e. ^1.1.2 will match any 1.x.x release including 1.2.0, but will not match or update 2.0.0.


08-27 21:42