


When using Dagger, what approaches will allow for free/easy instantiation of @Inject fields on objects that are also instantiated through injection.


For example, the code below will inject an object of type Bar into a given Foo object. It will do this in either of the two ways displayed. However, the Sly field of each Bar object is not matching that behavior.


public class Foo {
  @Inject Bar bar;

  public String getValue() {
    return "Foo's bar value: " + bar.getValue();


public class Bar {
  @Inject Sly sly;

  public String getValue() {
    return "Bar's sly value: " + sly.getValue();


public class Sly {
  public String getValue() {
    return "Hey!";


    injects = {
public class ExampleTestModule {
  Bar provideBar() {
    return new Bar();

  Sly provideSly() {
    return new Sly();


public void testWorksWithInject() {
  Foo foo = new Foo();
  ObjectGraph.create(new ExampleTestModule()).inject(foo);
  assertEquals("...", foo.getValue()); // NullPointerException

public void testWorksWithGet() {
  Foo foo = ObjectGraph.create(new ExampleTestModule()).get(Foo.class);
  assertEquals("...", foo.getValue()); // NullPointerException

在任何一种情况下,Bar's Sly都没有被实例化/ @Injected 。当然,Dagger允许构造函数注入,这解决了问题。我想知道是否有替代方法将这些类塞入构造函数的参数列表中。什么对你有用?

In either case, Bar's Sly is not being instantiated/@Injected. Of course, Dagger allows for constructor injection, which solves the problem. I would like to know if there are alternatives to tucking those classes into the parameter list of constructors. What works well for you?


所以这里的问题是Bar上有@Inject Sly,但是你提供了Bar在@Provides方法中。 @Provides方法覆盖默认的实例化行为,所以你告诉Dagger实例化new Bar()并将其作为Bar的条款的实现返回。

So the problem here is that Bar has @Inject Sly on it, but then you provide Bar in an @Provides method. @Provides methods override default instantiation behaviour, so you are telling Dagger to instantiate "new Bar()" and return it as a fulfillment of Bar's provision.

最简单的事情你可以做的只是删除provideBar()方法,因为它是不必要的。如果具体类型具有@Inject构造函数或@Inject字段,则Dagger将注入其依赖项并创建它,除非它具有不可访问的构造函数或没有@Inject的参数化构造函数。但是上面的类Bar {}以上的情况完全适用于隐式绑定,而不使用@Provides方法。

The easiest thing you can do is simply delete the provideBar() method, as it is unnecessary. If a concrete type has an @Inject constructor or an @Inject field, Dagger will inject its dependencies and create it, unless it has an inaccessible constructor or a parameterized constructor that has no @Inject. But your case above of class Bar{} above is entirely suitable for implicit binding, without use of @Provides methods.

如果由于某种原因需要更改默认行为,您仍然可以在@Provides方法中创建它,但您必须手动传入注入的值。但是,@ Provide方法本身可以通过向@Provides方法本身添加参数来注入。所以你可以这样做。

If you need to alter that default behaviour for some reason, you can still create it in an @Provides method, but you must manually pass in the injected value. @Provides methods, however, can themselves be injected by adding parameters to the @Provides method itself. So you could do this.

Bar provideBar(Sly sly) {
  Bar bar = new Bar();
  bar.sly = sly;
  return bar;


A @Provides method takes all responsibility for properly provisioning the instance, including newing, assignments, any initialization logic, etc.


But, given your example above, the easy solution is to simply delete provideBar() from your module and let Dagger automatically initialize Bar.

Dagger 2似乎更喜欢嵌套注入的一些不同的替代方案:请求组件,MembersInjector,或者给Bar一个@Inject带注释的构造函数。

There are some different alternatives which Dagger 2 seems to favor for nested injection: ask for a component, MembersInjector, or give Bar an @Inject annotated constructor.


If Bar has an @Inject annotated constructor then you can achieve full immutability:

class Bar {
  private final Sly sly;

  public Bar(Sly sly) {
    this.sly = sly;


The other alternative when you are only partially injecting members is to use a @Provides method with a MembersInjector or component (MembersTestComponent?) as a method argument:

Bar provideBar(MembersInjector<Bar> injector) {
  Bar bar = new Bar();
  return bar;

不幸的是,提供MembersTestComponent参数会将模块耦合回组件并进行解决方案较少凝聚力。如果Bar包含Component提供的范围值(例如,在Jake Wharton的Devoxx 2014谈话中,Tweeter内部的用户),提供MembersInjector特别有用。

Providing the MembersTestComponent argument will unfortunately couple the Module back to your Component and make the solution less cohesive. Providing the MembersInjector is especially useful if Bar contains scoped values provided by the Component (e.g. user inside Tweeter in Jake Wharton's Devoxx 2014 talk).


08-27 03:34