Sorry if this is a stupid question, I just want to know: what is the point with the salt in bcrypt? I mean, if you have the following code for creating a hash from a password:
function generateSalt() {
$salt = '$2a$13$';
$salt = $salt . '1111111111111111111111';
return $salt;
function generateHash($salt, $password) {
$hash = crypt($password, $salt);
return $hash;
$salt = generateSalt();
$providedPassword = generateHash($salt, rand(3,29));
echo $providedPassword;
$ 2a $ 13 $ 111111111111111111111uDdpsIcwCVOwEyNueskskXkniY5206fW
$ 2a $ 13 $ 111111111111111111111udcvrNt9quPukFRl8./jXRzDGfE9lw0W
因此,您可以清楚地看到salt的结尾,并且如果有人获得了数据库,就不会对salt毫无意义,因为他们只能删除salt部分并仅搜索哈希密码.那么,我使用bcrypt是错误的吗? (静态盐只是为了显示它在我的哈希表中的位置),或者这是有原因的吗?
So you can clearly see where the salt ends, and if someone gets the database there's not point with the salt, since they just can remove the salt-part and search for just the hashed password. So, am I using bcrypt wrong? (the static salt was just to show where it appears in my hashes), or is there a reason with this?
salt 是即使两个输入相同,只要每次使用不同的盐,哈希值就不会相同.
The idea behind a salt is that even if two inputs are the same, the hash will not be identical as long as a different salt is used every time.
For example, many users pick the same password. If you just store the hash of the password, the database will contain many identical hashes - so that if an attacker finds the password just once, he can then use it for all those users easily. However, if the password is hashed with a different salt value for each user, the attacker will have to crack each and every hash stored in the store.
I'm not sure what's that code you're using (what's that crypt
function?), but it's ok if it prepends the salt value to the actual hash as long as the hash itself is also calculated using the salt. You're going to need to store the original salt anyway to verify that a new input (password) matches the stored hash. However, as long as you change the salt values between every hash usage, there's no easy way to glean information about the original input.