我已经在这几天了,似乎无法找到解决方案。我想在iOS上通过wifi创建点对点网络。所有开源代码似乎都支持运行服务器或作为客户端,但是没有构建代码来支持两者兼作 - 一个对等体。是否有人知道我可以这样做的方法?
I've been at this for a few days now, and can't seem to find a solution. I want to create a peer to peer network over wifi on iOS. All open source code seems to be supporting running a server or being a client, but there's no code built to support being both - a peer. Is anybody aware of a way I can do this?
iOS 7添加正是出于此目的。
iOS 7 adds the Multipeer Connectivity Framework for exactly this purpose.