我有一个巨大的产品表,但有很多重复的条目.该表有超过 1 万个条目,我想删除其中的重复条目,而无需手动查找和删除它.如果您能为我提供解决方案,请告诉我
I have a huge table of products but there are lot of duplicate entries. The table has more than10 Thousand entries and I want to remove the duplicate entries in it without manually finding and deleting it. Please let me know if you can provide me a solution for this
There are different solutions to remove duplicate rows and it fully depends upon your scenario to make use of one from them. The simplest method is to alter the table making the Unique Index on Product Name field:
alter ignore table products add unique index `unique_index` (product_name);
You can remove the index after getting all the duplicate rows deleted:
alter table products drop index `unique_index`;
Please let me know if this resolves the issue. If not I can give you alternate solutions for that.