I'm trying to get a fast way to determine if a number is prime using Python.
I have two functions to do this. Both return either True or False.
Function isPrime1 is very fast to return False is a number is not a prime. For example with a big number. But it is slow in testing True for big prime numbers.
Function isPrime2 is faster in returning True for prime numbers. But if a number is big and it is not prime, it takes too long to return a value. First function works better with that.
How can I come up with a solution that could quickly return False for a big number that is not prime and would work fast with a big number that is prime?
def isPrime1(number): #Works well with big numbers that are not prime
state = True
if number <= 0:
state = False
return state
for i in range(2,number):
if number % i == 0:
state = False
return state
def isPrime2(number): #Works well with big numbers that are prime
d = 2
while d*d <= number:
while (number % d) == 0:
number //= d
d += 1
if number > 1:
return True
return False`
穷尽除法,直到平方根达到您能想到的最简单的平方根为止.最坏的情况是素数,因为必须执行所有除法.无论如何,直到十亿,实际上没有可测量的时间(对于 1000000007
Exhaustive division until the square root is about the simplest you can think of. Its worst case is for primes, as all divisions must be performed. Anyway, until a billion, there is virtually no measurable time (about 1.2 ms for 1000000007
def Prime(n):
if n & 1 == 0:
return 2
d= 3
while d * d <= n:
if n % d == 0:
return d
d= d + 2
return 0
请注意,此版本返回最小除数或 0
Note that this version returns the smallest divisor or 0
rather than a boolean.
Some micro-optimizations are possible (such as using a table of increments), but I don' think they can yield large gains.
有很多更先进,更快速的方法可用,但我不确定它们是否值得这么小的 n
There are much more sophisticated and faster methods available, but I am not sure they are worth the fuss for such small n