

如果用户同时关闭wi-fi,3g,4g等,然后反向(没有互联网连接). Firebase数据库名称子连接:(是/否)因此,当wi-fi,3g,4g等互联网连接关闭或丢失时,该用户处于离线状态,因此找不到他.

If user turn off both wi-fi, 3g, 4g, and so on and reverse (no internet connection). Firebase database name child connections:(true/false)So, when internet connections, wi-fi, 3g, 4g, and so on are off or missing, the user is offline so he can't be found.


Remember the two scenarios: Before and After. If user is offline before an other user search him, then he will not displayed in the list result, if user is off-line after an other user search him, then it will display NO MORE AVAILABLE icon on the user


Kindly some one help me for this problem..Thanks in advanced.


尽管已经过去了一年多,但还是要消除混乱.亚历克斯(Alex)的问题想实现一个实时聊天场景,其中每个用户都可以在终端或设备上查看每个人的在线状态. 一个简单的解决方案是创建一个节点,所有用户将在其中注入各自的在线状态.例如

Though this is more than a year late, to clear up the confusion. Alex's question would like to implement a live chat scenario in which each user can view everyone's online status at their ends or on their devices. A simple solution be to create a node where all users would inject their online status each. e.g.

    //say your realtime database has the child `online_statuses`
    DatabaseReference online_status_all_users = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("online_statuses");

    //on each user's device when connected they should indicate e.g. `linker` should tell everyone he's snooping around
    //also when he's not doing any snooping or if snooping goes bad he should also tell

因此,如果说 mario 的另一个用户从他的末端开始检查 linker ,他可以确保如果 在线,即

So if another user, say mario checks for linker from his end he can be sure some snooping around is still ongoing if linker is online i.e.

    DatabaseReference online_status_all_users = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("online_statuses");
    online_status_all_users.child("@linker").addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
      public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
        String snooping_status = dataSnapshot.getValue(String.class);
        //mario should decide what to do with linker's snooping status here e.g.
            //tell linker to stop doing sh*t
            //tell linker to do a lot of sh****t

      public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {



08-20 07:06