This code does not work. It complains that j.Bar is a "non-name":
package main
import "fmt"
import "os"
type foo struct {
Bar string
Baz int
func main() {
var j foo
// this next line fails with "non-name j.Bar on left side of :="
j.Bar, ok := os.LookupEnv("SOME VAR")
if ( ! ok ) {
panic("lookup failed!")
fmt.Printf("j.Bar is now %s\n",j.Bar)
Now I can change it easily to work:
package main
import "fmt"
import "os"
type foo struct {
Bar string
Baz int
func main() {
var j foo
val, ok := os.LookupEnv("SOME VAR")
if ( ! ok ) {
panic("lookup failed!")
j.Bar = val
fmt.Printf("j.Bar is now %s\n",j.Bar)
我真的为非名字"错误感到困惑.j.Bar是一个字符串. os.LookupEnv()返回字符串作为其第一个值.那么采用字符串并将其放入字符串变量中会出现什么问题?
I'm really puzzled by the "non-name" error. j.Bar is a string. os.LookupEnv() returns a string as its first value. So what is the problem with taking a string and putting it into a string variable?
运算符同时声明一个新变量,并为其分配值. j.Bar
The :=
operator simultaneously declares a new variable, and assigns a value to it. j.Bar
is not a legal variable name in Go; variable names cannot contain periods. Now, obviously you're trying to assign a value to a struct field, not a variable with a period in its name (the compiler just doesn't know it). You can do this, using just assignment without declaration:
var ok bool
j.Bar, ok = os.LookupEnv("SOME VAR")
Or this, declaring two variables at once:
bar,ok := os.LookupEnv("SOME VAR")
if ok {
j.Bar = bar