

我们已经在ASP.NET核心RC1(候选发布1)上构建了一个.NET应用程序,并将其部署在Windows Azure的Web App容器中.到8月2日,该应用程序停止了一整夜的工作.我们发现,这是由于Microsoft在该日期之前停止支持RC1(以及该问题的RC2)引起的.

We have built an .NET application on ASP.NET core RC1 (release candidate 1) and deployed it on Windows Azure in an Web App container. By August the 2'nd the application stopped working over night. We found out it was caused by the fact that Microsoft stopped supporting RC1 (and RC2 for that matter) by that date.


The strange thing is that by today the application started working again without any change from our side.


Can anyone explain that behavior? I don't feel very comfortable with these kind of changes in the container environments.


NB: I should add that the error we saw in the log files was this one:

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.MvcJsonOptions.get_SerializerSettings()'


我可以解释发生了什么:Json.NET v6.0.4版本被错误地添加到GAC中.由于对Json.NET进行版本控制的方式,bin文件夹中具有不同6.x版本的应用程序最终将其加载到GAC中.您的RC1应用程序可能具有v6.0.7,并且由于v6.0.4缺少API而崩溃了.

I can explain what happened: a version of Json.NET v6.0.4 was mistakenly added to the GAC. Due to the way Json.NET is versioned, apps that had a different 6.x version in their bin folder ended up loading the one in the GAC. Your RC1 app probably has v6.0.7, and broke because v6.0.4 was missing APIs.


This assembly is not supposed to be in the GAC at all, so when we realized the issue, we removed it, which is when your app started working again. Apologies for the downtime.


That being said, you really should move away from RC1, which is not officially supported.


08-04 08:08