本文介绍了“对象不支持此属性或方法” IE10 / 11的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



With ES6 taking ahold, I'm eager to drop jQuery and use native JS for my website builds keeping them quick and lightweight. Also to improve my JS skills as I'm one of those whose jumped straight in with jQuery.


I'm building a tiny tiny library to make the more common used javascript in a function to keep the files small.

function $(elm) {
    var elm = document.querySelectorAll(elm);

    this.forEach = function(f) {
        [].forEach.call(elm, f);

    return elm;

function slider() {
    $(".slider").forEach(function() {

这在Chrome等中效果很好..但在IE10 / 11中我收到错误

This works great in Chrome etc.. but in IE10/11 I'm getting the error


referring to the $(".slider").forEach



您将 forEach 添加到窗口对象,而不是对象你回来了;你将 $ 称为函数,而不是构造函数。由于你正在使用松散模式(显然),函数调用中的这个是对全局对象的引用(也可以作为窗口在浏览器上)。您将从 querySelectorAll 返回该集合。

You're adding forEach to the window object, not to the object you return; you're calling $ as a function, not a constructor. Since you're using loose mode (apparently), this within the function call is a reference to the global object (also accessible as window on browsers). You're returning the collection from querySelectorAll unchanged.

它在Chrome上运行的原因是返回的集合 querySelectorAll 有自己的 forEach (这是一个相当新的补充)。

The reason it works on Chrome is that the collection returned by querySelectorAll has its own forEach (this is a fairly recent addition).


  1. 返回一个对象并添加 forEach ,将QSA集合中的元素复制到该对象。例如:

  1. Return an object and add forEach to it, copying the elements from the QSA collection to that object. E.g.:

function $(selector) {
    const result = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
    result.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
    // Perhaps map, filter, etc.; add in a loop?
    return result;


var $ = (function() {
    var methods = Array.prototype;
    function $(selector) {
        var result = methods.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
        result.forEach = methods.forEach;
        // Perhaps map, filter, etc.; add in a loop?
        return result;
    return $;

  • forEach 添加到 NodeList 原型(如果它还没有)并直接在 querySelectorAll forEach C $ C>。例如:

  • Add forEach to the NodeList prototype if it's not already there and use forEach directly on the collection from querySelectorAll. For instance:

    if (typeof NodeList !== "undefined" &&
        NodeList.prototype &&
        !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
        // Yes, direct assignment is fine here, no need for `Object.defineProperty`
        NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;

    (无需 Object.defineProperty 以上,可枚举 [令人惊讶],可配置可写都是 true ,所以我们可以直接进行如上所述。)

    (No need for Object.defineProperty above, enumerable [surprisingly], configurable, and writable are all true for it on Chrome and Firefox, so we can just do direct assignment as above.)

    ...当然,你的 $ 只不过是

    ...and then of course your $ becomes nothing more than

    function $(selector) {
        return document.querySelectorAll(selector);


    (To start with. If you wanted to add more features, you'd probably want to go the way of #1.)


    function $(selector) {
        return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));


    function $(selector) {
        return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));

  • 子类数组(在ES2015之前的JavaScript引擎上无法完全填充),因此您可以在数组的功能之上添加自己的功能:

  • Subclass Array (which cannot be perfectly polyfilled on pre-ES2015 JavaScript engines) so you can add your own features on top of Array's features:

    class MyThingy extends Array {
        // Perhaps further methods here
    function $(selector) {
        return MyThingy.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));


    No ES5 option here, you'd need to at least transpile and polyfill.

    如果您要添加 Array ,我非常喜欢#4,除了填充物只有如此好。它可能足以满足您的目的。

    If you're going to add features beyond those provided by Array, I quite like #4 other than the polyfilling available only being "so" good. It may well be sufficient for your purposes.

    这篇关于“对象不支持此属性或方法” IE10 / 11的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

  • 08-04 01:31