


The problem itself is simple, but I can't figure out a solution that does it in one query, and here's my "abstraction" of the problem to allow for a simpler explanation:



Ok, so here's some sample data, i separated pairs by a blank line

| Key |  Col | (Together they from a Unique Pair)
|  1     Foo |
|  1     Bar |
|            |
|  2     Foo |
|            |
|  3     Bar |
|            |
|  4     Foo |
|  4     Bar |


And the result I would expect, after running the query once, it need to be able to select this result set in one query:

1 - Foo
2 - Foo
3 - Bar
4 - Foo


我有一个表,称为 TABLE 其中我有两列说 ID NAME ,它们一起形成表的主键。现在我想选择 ID = 1 ,然后首先检查是否可以找到 NAME 值John,如果John不存在,它应该查找 NAME 是Bruce的行,但只有Bruce John存在或只有John存在当然。

I have a table, call it TABLE where I have a two columns say ID and NAME which together form the primary key of the table. Now I want to select something where ID=1 and then first checks if it can find a row where NAME has the value "John", if "John" does not exist it should look for a row where NAME is "Bruce" - but only return "John" if both "Bruce" and "John" exists or only "John" exists of course.

还要注意,它应该能够返回几行符合上述标准, /名称组合当然,上面的解释只是一个简单的真正的问题。

Also note that it should be able to return several rows per query that match the above criteria but with different ID/Name-combinations of course, and that the above explanation is just a simplification of the real problem.


I could be completely blinded by my own code and line of thought but I just can't figure this out.


这与你写的非常相似,但应该相当快,因为​​NOT EXISTS更高效,比NOT IN ...

This is fairly similar to what you wrote, but should be fairly speedy as NOT EXISTS is more efficient, in this case, than NOT IN...

mysql> select * from foo;
| id | col |
|  1 | Bar |
|  1 | Foo |
|  2 | Foo |
|  3 | Bar |
|  4 | Bar |
|  4 | Foo |

     , col
  FROM foo f1
 WHERE col = 'Foo'
  OR ( col = 'Bar' AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT *
                                     FROM foo f2
                                    WHERE f1.id  = f2.id
                                      AND f2.col = 'Foo'

| id | col |
|  1 | Foo |
|  2 | Foo |
|  3 | Bar |
|  4 | Foo |


08-03 22:49