我正在尝试设置一个其中包含我的身份验证令牌的cookie。我可以看到它在响应标头 set-cookie:xxxxxx
I am trying to set a cookie which has my auth token in it. I can see it being returned in the response header set-cookie: xxxxxx
but for whatever reason, the browser is not storing the cookie.
在我的反应前端 http://app1.dev:3001
我正在这样进行POST api调用:
On my react front end http://app1.dev:3001
I am making an POST api call as such:
return axios.get(
{ withCredentials: true }
.then(res => res.data)
我有一个运行在 http:// localhost:3000
const Koa = require("koa")
const Router = require("koa-router")
const bodyParser = require("koa-bodyparser")
const cors = require("@koa/cors")
const axios = require("axios")
const env = require("./env")
const KeyGrip = require("keygrip")
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
const port = env("port")
const keyList = ["xxxxxxx",]
app.keys = new KeyGrip(keyList, "sha256")
router.get("/info", ctx => {
console.log('req', ctx.req)
ctx.cookies.set("token", "test_token", { signed: true, httpOnly: true })
ctx.body = { ok: true }
const corsOptions = {
origin: ctx => ctx.request.header.origin,
credentials: true
app.listen(port, () => console.info(`Listening on port ${port}`))
我怀疑未设置它,因为它是跨域的。当我在前端使用 http:// localhost:3001
I suspect it is not being set because it is cross domain. when I use http://localhost:3001
for my front end the cookie gets set fine.
Why are the cookies not being set in browser? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
使用 http:// localhost:3001
When you use http://localhost:3001
for the frontend, your frontend and backend servers share the same domain (even being on different ports), so you can see the cookie set by a request to your backend server (and so linked to backend server domain).
When you use different domains, you just can't see the cookie as dev tools are attached to a page that belongs to another domain. But the cookie is saved and will be sent back with subsequent requests.