I have an extension where users maintain a list of links. It would be nice to have this data synchronized between computers (at work and at home). What are the possible solutions?
Chrome 有扩展同步选项,但我不确定它是否同步数据(如果是,我会感到惊讶).即使是这样,也不是每个人都希望他们的所有其他扩展都被同步.
Chrome has extension synchronization option but I am not sure if it synchronizes data or not (I would be surprised if yes). Even if it does, not everyone would want all their other extensions be synced.
I can store my links in a special bookmark folder and use built-in bookmark synchronization, but in this case all bookmarks would be synchronized too (not all users would want that either I think).
我可以使用任何外部网站吗?易于使用且与 Google 帐户相关联的东西?
Any external sites I can use? Something easy to use and linked to a google account?
(I don't want to build my own site for this)
编辑:从 Chrome 20 及更高版本开始,您可以使用 chrome.storage 模块保存到云端.
Edit: As of Chrome 20 and above you can use chrome.storage module to save to the cloud.
chrome.experimental.storage.sync.set({'settingAlwaysOn': true}, function() {
console.log('Saved option in the cloud');
Chrome 20 之前
您说得对,Chrome 同步扩展选项(在设置中)不会同步扩展数据.同步这些数据的唯一方法是通过第三方.
You're right, the Chrome Sync for extensions options (in settings) does not synchronize extension data. The only way to synchronize those data is through a third party.
Since you ruled out the usage of Bookmarks, which makes sense if users don't want bookmarks to be synchronized.
每次通过存储(Web SQL 存储、localStorage、IndexDB)持久化数据时,您都会抓取该对象,并将其序列化为 JSON(通过 JSON.stringify),然后将其发送到某些在线服务,例如 Google Docs.
Everytime you persist data through storage (Web SQL Storage, localStorage, IndexDB), you grab that object, and serialize it into JSON (via JSON.stringify), and you send it to some online service such as Google Docs.
这对于 Web SQL 存储和 IndexDB 来说是相当棘手的,您必须自己做导入器和导出器.对于 localStorage,它非常简单,因为它是一个键/值对.
That would be quite tricky for Web SQL Storage and IndexDB, you would have to do your own importer and exporter. For localStorage it is pretty simple, since its a key/value pair.
需要一些工作才能将其链接到 Google 帐户(例如 Docs) 您必须使用 OAuth 并进行管道连接以将您的扩展程序连接到服务.连接后,保持状态并不难.
It requires some work to link it to a Google Account (such as Docs) you would have to use OAuth and do the plumbing to connect your extension to the service. Once your connected, it is not that difficult to maintain the state.
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