是否可以使用 django 表单拥有可变数量的字段?
Is it possible to have a variable number of fields using django forms?
A user can upload as many pictures as they want on the image upload form. Once the pictures are uploaded they are taken to a page where they can give the pictures a name and description. The number of pictures will depend on how many the user has chosen to upload.
那么如何让 django 使用可变数量的输入字段生成表单(如有必要,可以将其作为参数传递)?
So how do I get django to generate a form using a variable number of input fields (which could be passed as an argument if necessary)?
编辑:自 jeff bauer 的回答中提到的文章 已经写好了.
Namely this line of code which doesn't seem to work:
return type('ContactForm', [forms.BaseForm], { 'base_fields': fields })
from tagging.forms import TagField
from django import forms
def make_tagPhotos_form(photoIdList):
"Expects a LIST of photo objects (ie. photo_sharing.models.photo)"
fields = {}
for id in photoIdList:
id = str(id)
fields[id+'_name'] = forms.CharField()
fields[id+'_tags'] = TagField()
fields[id+'_description'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
return type('tagPhotos', (forms.BaseForm,), { 'base_fields': fields })
note tagging 不是 django 的一部分,但它是免费的并且非常有用.检查一下:django-tagging
note tagging is not part of django, but it is free and very useful. check it out: django-tagging
是的,可以在 Django 中动态创建表单.您甚至可以将动态字段与普通字段混合搭配.
Yes, it's possible to create forms dynamically in Django. You can even mix and match dynamic fields with normal fields.
class EligibilityForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(EligibilityForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# dynamic fields here ...
self.fields['plan_id'] = CharField()
# normal fields here ...
date_requested = DateField()
要更好地阐述这项技术,请参阅 James Bennett 的文章:所以您想要动态表单?
For a better elaboration of this technique, see James Bennett's article: So you want a dynamic form?
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