本文介绍了侦听大多数端口时出现 Node.js EACCES 错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在测试一个应用程序(希望能在 heroku 上运行,但在本地也有问题).它在运行 http.Server.listen() 时给我一个 EACCES 错误 - 但它只发生在某些端口上.

I'm testing out an app (hopefully to run on heroku, but am having issues locally as well). It's giving me an EACCES error when it runs http.Server.listen() - but it only occurs on some ports.


joe@joebuntu:~$ node
> var h = require('http').createServer();
> h.listen(900);
Error: EACCES, Permission denied
    at Server._doListen (net.js:1062:5)
    at net.js:1033:14
    at Object.lookup (dns.js:132:45)
    at Server.listen (net.js:1027:20)
    at [object Context]:1:3
    at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:150:22)
    at Interface.emit (events.js:42:17)
    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:132:10)
    at Interface._line (readline.js:387:8)
    at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:564:14)

我没有在端口 900(或我尝试过的其他 20 个端口中的任何一个)上运行任何东西,所以这应该可以工作.奇怪的是它确实在某些端口上工作.例如,端口 3000 完美运行.

I don't have anything running on port 900 (or any of the other 20 ports I've tried), so this should work. The weird part is that it does work on some ports. For instance, port 3000 works perfectly.


我发现在我的本地计算机上会出现 EACCES 错误,因为我必须以 root 身份运行 node 才能绑定到那些特定端口.我不知道为什么会发生这种情况,但是使用 sudo 可以修复它.但是,这并不能解释我将如何在 Heroku 上修复它.在 Heroku 上无法以 root 身份运行,那么我如何监听 80 端口?

I figured out that on my local computer, the EACCES error is coming because I have to run node as root in order to bind to those certain ports. I don't know why this happens, but using sudo fixes it. However, this doesn't explain how I would fix it on Heroku. There is no way to run as root on Heroku, so how can I listen on port 80?




Running on your workstation

As a general rule, processes running without root privileges cannot bind to ports below 1024.

因此尝试更高的端口,或通过 sudo 以提升的权限运行.您可以在使用 process.setgid 绑定到低端口后降级权限process.setuid.

So try a higher port, or run with elevated privileges via sudo. You can downgrade privileges after you have bound to the low port using process.setgid and process.setuid.

在 heroku 上运行您的应用程序时,您必须使用 PORT 环境变量中指定的端口.

When running your apps on heroku you have to use the port as specified in the PORT environment variable.

参见 http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/node-js

const server = require('http').createServer();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

server.listen(port, () => console.log(`Listening on ${port}`));

这篇关于侦听大多数端口时出现 Node.js EACCES 错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 15:18