How is it possible for code to distinguish between external USB hard drives and solid-state drives on the one hand versus USB sticks on the other hand?
我不熟悉macOS API(或系统调用,中断,消息传递等),但我猜它应该在I/O Kit或磁盘仲裁中?
I'm not familiar with macOS APIs (or system calls, interrupts, messaging, and other things) but I'm guessing it would be in I/O Kit or Disk Arbitration?
在终端命令行上,您可以使用 system_profiler SPUSBDataType
On the Terminal command line you can use system_profiler SPUSBDataType
and see this information listed under "Removable Media".
You can get the removable/ejectable information directly from the URL, ejectable is sufficient for the differentiation
let mountedVolumeURLs = FileManager.default.mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys: [.nameKey, .volumeIsEjectableKey])!
for volumeURL in mountedVolumeURLs where volumeURL.path == "/" || volumeURL.path.hasPrefix("/Volumes") {
let resources = try! volumeURL.resourceValues(forKeys: [.nameKey, .volumeIsEjectableKey])
let ejectable = resources.volumeIsEjectable!
let name = resources.name!
var type = name + " is "
type += ejectable ? "USB stick, SD card, etc" : "hard drive, SSD, etc";
type += " ("
type += ejectable ? "" : "not "
type += "ejectable)"
print(" ", type)