


While it is incredibly useful to be able to do set operations between the keys of a dictionary, I often wish that I could perform the set operations on the dictionaries themselves.


I found some recipes for taking the difference of two dictionaries but I found those to be quite verbose and felt there must be more pythonic answers.


tl; dr食谱: {k:d1.get(k,d1或d2 [k])for set(d1)中的k|set(d2)} | 可以用任何其他set运算符替换.

tl;dr Recipe: {k:d1.get(k, k in d1 or d2[k]) for k in set(d1) | set(d2)} and | can be replaced with any other set operator.

基于@torek的注释,另一个可能更容易记住的食谱(虽然完全通用)是: {k:d1.get(k,d2.get(k))for set(d1)中的k|set(d2)} .

Based @torek's comment, another recipe that might be easier to remember (while being fully general) is: {k:d1.get(k,d2.get(k)) for k in set(d1) | set(d2)}.



My first answer didn't deal correctly with values that evaluated to False. Here's an improved version which deals with Falsey values:

>>> d1 = {'one':1, 'both':3, 'falsey_one':False, 'falsey_both':None}
>>> d2 = {'two':2, 'both':30, 'falsey_two':None, 'falsey_both':False}
>>> print "d1 - d2:", {k:d1[k] for k in d1 if k not in d2}                  # 0
d1 - d2: {'falsey_one': False, 'one': 1}
>>> print "d2 - d1:", {k:d2[k] for k in d2 if k not in d1}                  # 1
d2 - d1: {'falsey_two': None, 'two': 2}
>>> print "intersection:", {k:d1[k] for k in d1 if k in d2}                      # 2
intersection: {'both': 3, 'falsey_both': None}
>>> print "union:", {k:d1.get(k, k in d1 or d2[k]) for k in set(d1) | set(d2)}   # 3
union: {'falsey_one': False, 'falsey_both': None, 'both': 3, 'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'falsey_two': None}

union 的版本是最通用的版本,可以将其转换为功能:

The version for union is the most general and can be turned into a function:

>>> def dict_ops(d1, d2, setop):
...     """Apply set operation `setop` to dictionaries d1 and d2
...     Note: In cases where values are present in both d1 and d2, the value from
...     d1 will be used.
...     """
...     return {k:d1.get(k,k in d1 or d2[k]) for k in setop(set(d1), set(d2))}
>>> print "d1 - d2:", dict_ops(d1, d2, lambda x,y: x-y)
d1 - d2: {'falsey_one': False, 'one': 1}
>>> print "d2 - d1:", dict_ops(d1, d2, lambda x,y: y-x)
d2 - d1: {'falsey_two': None, 'two': 2}
>>> import operator as op
>>> print "intersection:", dict_ops(d1, d2, op.and_)
intersection: {'both': 3, 'falsey_both': None}
>>> print "union:", dict_ops(d1, d2, op.or_)
union: {'falsey_one': False, 'falsey_both': None, 'both': 3, 'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'falsey_two': None}

两个字典中都有项目时,将使用 d1 中的值.当然,我们可以通过更改函数参数的顺序来从 d2 返回值.

Where items are in both dictionaries, the value from d1 will be used. Of course we can return the value from d2 instead by changing the order of the function arguments.

>>> print "union:", dict_ops(d2, d1, op.or_)
union: {'both': 30, 'falsey_two': None, 'falsey_one': False, 'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'falsey_both': False}


07-22 23:34