



I'm a newbie to Java and just starting to figure out the concept of class loaders. Right now I am having some issues with log4j regarding its use of the thread context classloader.

我收到以下错误: Aorg .apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender对象不能分配给org.apache.log4j.Appender变量。类org.apache.log4j.Appender由[java.net.URLClassLoader@105691e]加载,而类型为org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender的对象由[sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@16930e2]加载。无法实例化名为CONSOLE的appender。


My application works roughly this way: On init URLClassLoader #1 is constructed and loads some classes, these classes use log4j. Later on URLClassLoader #2 is constructed (which has URLClassLoader #1 as it's parent) and loads some more classes, these classes also use log4j. When URLClassLoader #2 is used to load these classes the above error message appears (there are a couple more with the same issue).


The current workaround I did was to set the current thread context classloader to URLClassLoader #2 before loading the problematic classes, and resetting it to the old one afterwards:

ClassLoader urlClassLoader; // this is URLClassLoader #2
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader();
try {
} finally {


While this works, I am not sure if it's the right approach.


Any insight on this matter will be appreciated. Also, why is log4j forcing me to mess with the thread context classloader? Why not let me pass in a class loader (and use a default one when I don't) instead of using the thread's one?


你似乎偶然发现了log4j(以及Apache Commons Logging库)的主要问题,即他们在使用时发现并与正确的类加载器进行交互时非常困难。有一个非常密集的解释,有完整的例子,;带回家的信息是,新的日志框架的主要驱动力之一是消除这些问题完全。你可能想要交换它,看看你的生活是否变得更容易。

You appear to have stumbled upon the major problem with log4j (and the Apache Commons Logging library), namely that they have a ridiculously hard time discovering and interacting with the right classloaders as they're being used. There's a very dense explanation, complete with examples, here; the take-home message is that one of the primary driving forces for the new logging framework SLF4J was to eliminate these issues entirely. You might want to swap it in and see if your life is made any easier.



09-06 10:19