本文介绍了为什么只能将静态字段声明为“ const”?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I just upgraded my Dart Editor (0.5.16_r23799), and code that was bug/warning free, is not anymore.

class Fubar {
  const BAR = 1000000;

const 有标记和此消息:


I read this ch02-final-const, nothing there.

这篇帖子表示 const修饰符意味着静态,如果我们不能在没有静态的情况下使用 const ,则应使用 final 代替吗?...但是我错过了什么文档/帖子?打算这样做:

This post dart-const-static-fields says that const modifier implies static, if we can't use const without static, we should use final instead ?... but what doc/post I missed ? Intend to do this :

Fubar f = new Fubar();
some = f.BAR;


这是与 6月4日Dart语言设计会议的注释


Gilad's view is that they should work like statics except for scoping. Apparently, though, it's complicating the VM implementation of instance metadata. Three solutions:

  1. 没有const实例字段。

  2. 元数据是静态范围的。

  3. 尝试正确执行操作。


Lars likes 1. I say 1 simplifies things for users. Right now, people get confused with static final const etc. Gilad is OK with 1.

我问语法是静态const还是 const?用户必须对常量执行静态操作时会感到困惑。

I asked if the syntax would be "static const" or just "const"? Users get confused when having to do "static" with constants.


Lars says they are confused because they don't understand the system. Requiring "static" will help them understand what's going on.

这篇关于为什么只能将静态字段声明为“ const”?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 20:45