为了我的目的,我尝试包装类似于 Qt 的共享数据指针的东西,经过测试,我发现应该调用 const 函数时,选择了它的非 const 版本.
I tried to wrap something similar to Qt's shared data pointers for my purposes, and upon testing I found out that when the const function should be called, its non-const version was chosen instead.
我正在使用 C++0x 选项进行编译,这是一个最小的代码:
I'm compiling with C++0x options, and here is a minimal code:
struct Data {
int x() const {
return 1;
template <class T>
struct container
container() {
ptr = new T();
T & operator*() {
puts("non const data ptr");
return *ptr;
T * operator->() {
puts("non const data ptr");
return ptr;
const T & operator*() const {
puts("const data ptr");
return *ptr;
const T * operator->() const {
puts("const data ptr");
return ptr;
T* ptr;
typedef container<Data> testType;
void testing() {
testType test;
如您所见,Data.x 是一个 const 函数,因此调用的运算符 -> 应该是 const 的.当我注释掉非常量时,它编译时没有错误,所以这是可能的.然而我的终端打印:
As you can see, Data.x is a const function, so the operator -> called should be the const one. And when I comment out the non-const one, it compiles without errors, so it's possible. Yet my terminal prints:
这是一个 GCC 错误(我有 4.5.2),还是我遗漏了什么?
Is it a GCC bug (I have 4.5.2), or is there something I'm missing?
如果你有两个仅在 const
方面不同的重载,那么编译器会根据 *this
是否为 const
不是 const
,因此调用了非 const
If you have two overloads that differ only in their const
-ness, then the compiler resolves the call based on whether *this
is const
or not. In your example code, test
is not const
, so the non-const
overload is called.
testType test;
const testType &test2 = test;
你应该看到另一个重载被调用了,因为 test2
是 const
you should see that the other overload gets called, because test2
is const
这篇关于调用 const 函数而不是其非 const 版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!