本文介绍了Android 系统 WebView 使 Android 应用程序崩溃!“在 JB MR2+ 用户版本上禁用墓碑"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


更新了(Android 5.0.2),当我尝试在调试模式下构建我的 Xamarin Android 应用时出现错误:

Tonight my updated (Android 5.0.2) and when I try to build my Xamarin Android app in DEBUG mode I get the error:

[google-breakpad] ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

[google-breakpad] Chrome 构建指纹:

[google-breakpad] Chrome build fingerprint:

[google-breakpad] 1.0

[google-breakpad] 1.0

[google-breakpad] 1

[google-breakpad] 1

[google-breakpad] 5c230f07-455f-4c1f-91eb-9c44019cd813

[google-breakpad] 5c230f07-455f-4c1f-91eb-9c44019cd813

[google-breakpad] ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

[google-breakpad] ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

[google-breakpad] 在 JB MR2+ 用户版本上禁用墓碑.

[google-breakpad] Tombstones are disabled on JB MR2+ user builds.

[google-breakpad] ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

[google-breakpad] ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###


In the console I can find the error message:

E/SysUtils:ApplicationContext 在 ApplicationStatus 中为 null


错误显示在控制台中,当 webview 似乎返回时,应用程序返回(但未销毁).webview是在另一个框架中发布的.

The error shows in the console and the app returns to back (but is not destroyed) when the webview returns it seems.The webview is issued in another framework.


I have done no changes since yesterday, when everything worked.


After building (and crashing) running the app from the device functions as excepted.

我的目标构建版本是 API 21,API 最小值是 14(但它在 19 时也失败了).

My target build version is API 21 and API minimum is 14 (but it also fails at 19).


原来不是 Chrome 而是 Android 系统 WebView 导致应用崩溃.Google Play 商店上的其他几位用户也做出了回应,例如应用程序崩溃而没有任何错误.

It turns out it was not Chrome but Android System WebView that caused the app to crash. Several other users on Google Play Store have left responses such as Crashes apps without any error.

Jonathan Pryor 在 Xamarin Bugzilla 上发布了此评论:

Jonathan Pryor on Xamarin Bugzilla posted this comment:

正如评论 #2 和评论 #3 中提到的,问题在于 Google Play服务 WebView 和相关类型正在破坏现有的 SIGSEGV 处理程序,这将所有依赖信号处理程序的本机代码搞砸了(例如 Houdini).

作为一种解决方法,可以消除对 SIGSEGV 处理程序的需要NullReferenceException 引发,通过将 MONO_DEBUG 变量设置为包含值显式空检查":

As a workaround, it is possible to remove the need for a SIGSEGV handler for NullReferenceException raising, by setting the MONO_DEBUG variable to contain the value "explicit-null-checks":



This can be done by adding a file to your App project with a Build action of AndroidEnvironment:



Then adding the following line to the file:


这篇关于Android 系统 WebView 使 Android 应用程序崩溃!“在 JB MR2+ 用户版本上禁用墓碑"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 21:28