本文介绍了SIGSEGV在Android 2.1系统的WebView的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我断断续续得到一个SIGSEGV的Andr​​oid 2.1系统使用的WebView时。该SIGSEGV里面/system/lib/libwebcore.so。

I am intermittently getting a SIGSEGV when using a WebView in Android 2.1. The SIGSEGV is inside /system/lib/libwebcore.so .


Is there a known problem with this WebView implementation that I could work around with to avoid the SEGV?


SIGSEGV 表示本地code崩溃。假设你没有使用NDK,那么本土code将固件。

SIGSEGV indicates a crash in native code. Assuming that you are not using the NDK, then the native code will be the firmware.


If you can reproduce this error on multiple Android devices, or in the emulator, create a sample project that generates the crash and post it as an issue if it is not already out there. If you only see this on one specific device, contact that device manufacturer, if possible.

不过,有没有解决方法了 SIGSEGV ,其他的,而不是试图以确定您的Web内容或Java code什么触发它,摆脱该内容或code。

However, there is no workaround for a SIGSEGV, other than to try to determine what in your Web content or Java code triggers it and to get rid of that content or code.

这篇关于SIGSEGV在Android 2.1系统的WebView的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-13 23:59