


Is the 'floating point literal' and the 'floating literal' the same thing in Java?


Also, is there anything called 'double literal' in Java?


浮点文字"是指任何浮点类型的文字. float double 都是浮点类型.

"Floating point literal" refers to any literal of a floating-point type. Both float and double are floating-point types.

我以前从未遇到过浮点文字"一词​​,但我想其预期的含义与浮点文字"相同.您应该确保要求进行澄清,,因为如果作者打算说"floatliteral",那么这将特别是 float 类型的文字.通常是任何浮点类型.

I have never come across the term "floating literal" before, but I would presume the intended meaning is the same as "floating point literal." You should make sure to ask for clarification though, because if the author intended to say "float literal" then that would be a literal of type float in particular, and not just any floating-point type in general.

对于Java中浮点文字的特定类型,所有常规形式#.#的文字都是 double ,除非您附加 f F (相同)来代替原义,以使其强制为 float .

As for the specific type of floating-point literals in Java, all literals of the general form #.# are double, unless you append f or F (same difference) to the literal to force it to be float instead.


Check out the tutorial page on Primitive Data Types by Oracle. I've copied the sub-section titled "Floating-Point Literals" below.


The floating point types (float and double) can also be expressed using E or e (for scientific notation), F or f (32-bit float literal) and D or d (64-bit double literal; this is the default and by convention is omitted).

double d1 = 123.4;
// same value as d1, but in scientific notation
double d2 = 1.234e2;
float f1  = 123.4f;


And as @Bubletan mentioned in comment to your question, if you're really curious you could check out the actual Java specification for float-point literals: §3.10.2. Floating-Point Literals

1e1f    2.f    .3f    0f    3.14f    6.022137e+23f

double 文字的示例:

1e1    2.    .3    0.0    3.14    1e-9d    1e137


08-19 13:37