

多年来,我一直在使用安装在/usr/local/texlive中的MacTeX,最近开始使用Homebrew来管理某些软件包(尽管还不是-但还是TeX ).由于采用了Homebrew,我将所有/usr/local的所有者更改为Me:admin(从root:wheel).

For years I have been using MacTeX which installs in /usr/local/texlive, and have recently started using Homebrew to manage some packages (though not — yet — TeX). As a consequence of the adoption of Homebrew, I've changed the owner of all of /usr/local to Me:admin (from root:wheel).

此所有权变更是否安全? texlive需要由root拥有吗?

Is this change of ownership safe? Is there a reason that texlive needs to be owned by root?



Normally usr/local is owned by root:wheel so that multiple usr's can access it, so by default everything installed to it is owned by root:wheel. Homebrew takes the rather unusual (but convenient) step of subverting this. It says, look this computer is just being used by one user, so I'll give her control of usr/local. It does this to

  1. 使所有unixy安装都更有可能为您工作
  2. 使它更安全(如果有其他用户在使用计算机)-作为自制用户,如果出现问题,您只能通过自制来破坏自己的帐户.

当您在自制软件之前安装tex时,它具有root:wheel所有权,这与texlive无关,并且与usr/local的正常使用有关.如果您将其权限更改为Me :: admin,则只有您可以使用texlive-我就别管它了:)

As you installed tex before homebrew it has root:wheel ownership, this has nothing to do with texlive, and everything to do with the normal usage of usr/local. If you change its permissions to Me::admin, then only you will be able to use texlive - I'd just leave it alone :)


10-16 09:12