


  public class SomeClass 
public SomeClass(int someProperty)
SomeProperty = someProperty;

public int SomeProperty

public int ClassAdd(int x,int y)
return x + y + SomeProperty;

public static class SomeStaticClass
public static int StaticAdd(int x,int y)
返回x + y;


  delegate int addDelegate(int x,int y); 

class TestClass
delegate int addDelegate(int x,int y);

private void useDelegates()
addDelegate algorithm;
algorithm = SomeStaticClass.StaticAdd;
algorithm + = new SomeClass(3).ClassAdd;

int answer = algorithm(5,10);

上? ;)


如果创建一个引用一个实例方法的委托,它将捕获 code>(或相关参考)在后台支持属性的委托。如果创建一个引用静态方法的委托,则 Target 将为null。逻辑上,如果您使用静态方法,则无需实例。


  static class Extensions 
public static void Foo (这个字符串x)
Console.WriteLine(Calling Foo on+ x);

class Test
static void Main()
Action action =text。 oo
Console.WriteLine(action.Target); //打印text


I've been using delegates for many years, and haven't really given them much thought.But I recently got egg on my face by assuming that delegates included a this reference in the signature when referencing a class method.The below example illustrates the gap in my understanding.

public class SomeClass
    public SomeClass(int someProperty)
        SomeProperty = someProperty;

    public int SomeProperty

    // Throw in a Member field into the mix
    public int ClassAdd(int x, int y)
        return x + y + SomeProperty;

public static class SomeStaticClass
    public static int StaticAdd(int x, int y)
        return x + y;

Why is it that I can add both static and instance subscribers?

    delegate int addDelegate(int x, int y);

    class TestClass
        delegate int addDelegate(int x, int y);

        private void useDelegates()
            addDelegate algorithm;
            algorithm = SomeStaticClass.StaticAdd;
            algorithm += new SomeClass(3).ClassAdd;

            int answer = algorithm(5, 10);

What is actually going on? ;)


If you create a delegate referring to an instance method, it will capture this (or the relevant reference) in the field backing the Target property of the delegate. If you create a delegate referring to a static method, the Target will be null. Logically there's no need to have an instance if you're using a static method.

As one added complications, you can capture extension methods as if they were instance methods on the extended type:

static class Extensions
    public static void Foo(this string x)
        Console.WriteLine("Calling Foo on " + x);

class Test
    static void Main()
        Action action = "text".Foo;
        Console.WriteLine(action.Target); // Prints "text"

As for why you can do all of this: because it's useful, and there's no reason not to allow you to do it :)


08-18 14:46