我会写的,有WinXP的机客户端的小型桌面应用程序,他们将不会被安装.NET Framework(至少对我来说)。
I'll be writing a small desktop app for a client that has WinXP machines and they won't be installing the .NET framework (at least not for me).
所以,我的选择是有限的要么C ++或VB6,这两者都不声音很大。我记得读回来的单想出了一个静态编译的日子,但最近我唯一能找到的就是米格尔·伊卡萨的进入静态编译的游戏引擎在iPhone上运行的应用程序的目的 - 不是我脑子里想的。
So my choices are limited to either C++ or VB6, neither of which sound great.I remember reading back in the day that Mono came up with a static compiler, but recently the only thing I could find is Miguel de Icaza's entry on static compilation for a game engine for the purposes of running the app on the iPhone - not what I had in mind.
是否有任何产品在那里,免费或商业,让我静态编译我的.NET 3.5 winform应用程序?
Are there any products out there, free or commercial that will allow me to statically compile my .net 3.5 winform app?
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