我有N行数组,我计算每一行被命名为一个新的值 X
#!的/ usr / bin中/蟒蛇
#Fichier contenant拉清单当然香榭#
开放(liste_essai.txt,R)为f: fichier_entier = f.read()
文件= fichier_entier.split(\\ n)在文件fichier: 开放(fichier,'R'): 读= fits.open(fichier)#序曲杜fichier A L'助手德astropy TBDATA =读[1]。数据#讲座德最近搜索适合
################################################## #####
################################################## ##### #掩码1 = TBDATA ['CHI'< 1.0#创建科特迪瓦联合国面膜倒拉状态CHI
#tbdata_temp1 = TBDATA [掩码1] #PRINT三effectué河畔CHI #MASK2 = tbdata_temp1 ['PROB']> 0.01#创建科特迪瓦联合国第二面膜拉河畔条件PROB
#tbdata_temp2 = tbdata_temp1 [MASK2] #PRINT三effectué河畔PROB #MASK3 = tbdata_temp2 ['犀利']> -0.4#创建科特迪瓦联合国3E面膜拉河畔调节SHARP(1/2)
#tbdata_temp3 = tbdata_temp2 [MASK3] #mask4 = tbdata_temp3 ['犀利'< 0.1#创建科特迪瓦联合国4E面膜拉河畔调节SHARP(2/2)
#tbdata_final = tbdata_temp3 [mask4] #PRINT创造德拉新式表压轴
#PRINT tbdata_final#Affichage德拉表滑雪后所有领域LES条件 #fig = plt.figure()
#plt.plot(tbdata_final ['G' - '。'tbdata_final ['R'],tbdata_final ['G'])
#fig.savefig() #PRINT创造杜Diagramme #hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(数据= tbdata_final)
#hdu.writeto('{} _ {}。格式(fichier,'traité(主旨)'))#杜书写理论résultatobtenu丹斯未暴发户fichier适合 #PRINT杜书写理论暴发户fichiertraité(主旨) #################################################
#决心德valeurs extremales杜冠军#
################################################# RA_max = np.max(TBDATA ['RA'])
RA_min = np.min(TBDATA ['RA'])
#PRINTRA_max vaut:+ STR(RA_max)
#PRINTRA_min vaut:+ STR(RA_min) DEC_max = np.max(TBDATA ['DEC'])
DEC_min = np.min(TBDATA ['DEC'])
#PRINTDEC_max vaut:+ STR(DEC_max)
#PRINTDEC_min vaut:+ STR(DEC_min) #########################################
######################################### RA_central =(RA_max + RA_min)/ 2。
DEC_central =(DEC_max + DEC_min)/ 2。 #PRINTRA_central vaut:+ STR(RA_central)
#PRINTDEC_central vaut:+ STR(DEC_central) 打印
打印######################################### ##############################
#决心去点¯x和de Y#
############################## I = 0
N = LEN(TBDATA) 对于在范围I(0,N): 打印Valeur德RA点菜LIGNE+ STR(I)+斯:+ STR(TBDATA ['RA'] [I])
打印Valeur德RA_moyen斯:+ STR(RA_central)
打印Valeur德DEC_moyen斯:+ STR(DEC_central) X =(TBDATA ['RA'] [I] - RA_central)* math.cos(DEC_central) Add_column = np.vstack(TBDATA,X)#==> ???? 打印香格里拉valeur去点¯x斯:+ STR(X)
plt.savefig('图',{} _ {}。格式(fichier,PNG))
my_array = np.random.rand(200,3)#原数组
零= np.zeros((200,400))#预计额外的400列my_array = np.hstack((my_array,零))#加入my_array用零的数组(仅这一步将使复印件)= CURRENT_COLUMN 3#跟踪零的最左列的new_columns = []新列的#放列表在这里补充在new_columns西:
my_array [:,CURRENT_COLUMN] =山坳
I'm using a numpy array with Python and I would like to know how I can add a new column
at the end of my array?
I have an array with N rows and I calculate for each row a new value which is named X
. I would like, for each row, to add this new value in a new column.
My script is (the interesting part is at the end of my script) :
# coding: utf-8
from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
# Fichier contenant la liste des champs #
with open("liste_essai.txt", "r") as f :
fichier_entier = f.read()
files = fichier_entier.split("\n")
for fichier in files :
with open(fichier, 'r') :
reading = fits.open(fichier) # Ouverture du fichier à l'aide d'astropy
tbdata = reading[1].data # Lecture des données fits
# Application du tri en fonction de divers paramètres #
#mask1 = tbdata['CHI'] < 1.0 # Création d'un masque pour la condition CHI
#tbdata_temp1 = tbdata[mask1]
#print "Tri effectué sur CHI"
#mask2 = tbdata_temp1['PROB'] > 0.01 # Création d'un second masque sur la condition PROB
#tbdata_temp2 = tbdata_temp1[mask2]
#print "Tri effectué sur PROB"
#mask3 = tbdata_temp2['SHARP'] > -0.4 # Création d'un 3e masque sur la condition SHARP (1/2)
#tbdata_temp3 = tbdata_temp2[mask3]
#mask4 = tbdata_temp3['SHARP'] < 0.1 # Création d'un 4e masque sur la condition SHARP (2/2)
#tbdata_final = tbdata_temp3[mask4]
#print "Création de la nouvelle table finale"
#print tbdata_final # Affichage de la table après toutes les conditions
#fig = plt.figure()
#plt.plot(tbdata_final['G'] - tbdata_final['R'], tbdata_final['G'], '.')
#plt.title('Diagramme Couleur-Magnitude')
#print "Création du Diagramme"
#hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=tbdata_final)
#hdu.writeto('{}_{}'.format(fichier,'traité')) # Ecriture du résultat obtenu dans un nouveau fichier fits
#print "Ecriture du nouveau fichier traité"
# Détermination des valeurs extremales du champ #
RA_max = np.max(tbdata['RA'])
RA_min = np.min(tbdata['RA'])
#print "RA_max vaut : " + str(RA_max)
#print "RA_min vaut : " + str(RA_min)
DEC_max = np.max(tbdata['DEC'])
DEC_min = np.min(tbdata['DEC'])
#print "DEC_max vaut : " + str(DEC_max)
#print "DEC_min vaut : " + str(DEC_min)
# Calcul de la valeur centrale du champ #
RA_central = (RA_max + RA_min)/2.
DEC_central = (DEC_max + DEC_min)/2.
#print "RA_central vaut : " + str(RA_central)
#print "DEC_central vaut : " + str(DEC_central)
print " "
print " ######################################### "
# Détermination de X et de Y #
i = 0
N = len(tbdata)
for i in range(0,N) :
print "Valeur de RA à la ligne " + str(i) + " est : " + str(tbdata['RA'][i])
print "Valeur de RA_moyen est : " + str(RA_central)
print "Valeur de DEC_moyen est : " + str(DEC_central)
X = (tbdata['RA'][i] - RA_central)*math.cos(DEC_central)
Add_column = np.vstack(tbdata, X) # ==> ????
print "La valeur de X est : " + str(X)
print " "
I tried something but I'm not sure that's working.
And I've a second question if it's possible. In the plot part, I would like to save my plot for each file but with the name of each file. I think that I need to write something like :
Numpy arrays are always going to be stored in a continuous memory block, that means that once you've created it, making it any bigger will mean numpy will have to copy the original array to make sure that the addition will be beside the original array in memory.
If you have a general idea of how many columns you will be adding, you can create the original array with additional columns of zeros. This will reserve the space in memory for your array and then you can "add" columns by overwriting the left-most column of zeros.
If you have the memory to spare you can always over-estimate the number of columns you will need and then remove extra columns of zeros later on. As far as I know this is the only way to avoid copying when adding new columns to a numpy array.
For example:
my_array = np.random.rand(200,3) # the original array
zeros = np.zeros((200,400)) # anticipates 400 additional columns
my_array = np.hstack((my_array,zeros)) # join my_array with the array of zeros (only this step will make a copy)
current_column = 3 # keeps track of left most column of zeros
new_columns = [] # put list of new columns to add here
for col in new_columns:
my_array[:,current_column] = col
current_column += 1
这篇关于在numpy_array Python中添加列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!