I'm replacing row items like this:
var $targetRow = $(entity.row),
dataTable = $targetRow.closest('table.dataTable').DataTable();
dataTable.row.add({ foo: 1 }).draw();
我在绑定到表的 rowCreated
回调中有逻辑,因此我正在重新创建行以使用它.这工作正常.但是 row.add
I have logic in the rowCreated
callback bound to the table, thus I'm recreating the row to make use of it. This works fine. But row.add
always adds the regenerated row last in the list. Is there any way to insert it into a specific index?
dataTables 将其行保存在索引数组中,并且没有用于在特定索引处添加新行或更改 index() 的 API 方法
dataTables holds its rows in an indexed array, and there is no API methods for adding a new row at a specific index or change the index()
of a row.
这实际上很有意义,因为典型的 dataTable 总是按数据排序/排序或过滤,而不是静态索引.并且当您从服务器接收数据,或者想要将数据传递给服务器时,您也永远不会使用静态客户端 index()
That actually makes good sense since a typical dataTable always is sorted / ordered or filtered on data, not the static index. And when you receive data from a server, or want to pass data to a server, you never use the static client index()
But if you think about it, you can still reorder rows and by that insert a row at a specific index very easy by code, simply by reordering the data. When a new row is added, swap the data from the last row (the inserted row) to the second last row, then swap data from the second last row to the third last row and so on, until you reach the index where you want to insert the row.
Example, inserting a new row at the index where the mouse is clicked :
$("#example").on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
var currentPage = table.page();
//insert a test row
table.row.add([count, count, count, count, count]).draw();
//move added row to desired index (here the row we clicked on)
var index = table.row(this).index(),
rowCount = table.data().length-1,
insertedRow = table.row(rowCount).data(),
for (var i=rowCount;i>index;i--) {
tempRow = table.row(i-1).data();
//refresh the current page
演示 -> http://jsfiddle.net/mLh08nyg/
demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/mLh08nyg/
这篇关于DataTables row.add 到特定索引的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!