我正在尝试通过Linux CLI在文件中查找电子邮件地址的基础上删除错误的电子邮件.
I am trying to delete erroneous emails based on finding the email address in the file via Linux CLI.
find . | xargs grep -l email@domain.com
But I cannot figure out how to delete them from there as the following code doesn't work.
rm -f | xargs find . | xargs grep -l email@domain.com
为了安全起见,我通常将find的输出传递给awk之类的东西,并创建一个批处理文件,每行都是"rm filename"
For safety I normally pipe the output from find to something like awk and create a batch file with each line being "rm filename"
That way you can check it before actually running it and manually fix any odd edge cases that are difficult to do with a regex
find . | xargs grep -l email@domain.com | awk '{print "rm "$1}' > doit.sh
vi doit.sh // check for murphy and his law
source doit.sh
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