我的任务是找到一种方法将大量的.docx文件转换为docbook 5.目前,我们在openoffice中打开文件并保存到docbook。这是一项耗时的任务,但我相信有更好的方法。然后,这些文件将进一步处理到我们的自定义Relax NG模式。因此,这种转换不需要完美无缺。我环顾四周,并将继续调查一些线索,但没有找到任何有用的东西。
I have been tasked to find a way to convert a large amount of .docx files to docbook 5. Currently, we open the file in openoffice and save to docbook. This is a time consuming task, but I am confident there is a better way. These files will then be processed further to our custom relax NG schema. Therefore this conversion does not need to be flawless. I have looked around, and will continue to investigate some leads, but have not found anything usefull.
looking at Convert doc/docx to semantic HTML they have suggested upCast, but this does not seem appropriate to my needs.
I am looking for something freely available that I can use from the command line. I ultimately I would like to batch process our files. I have included the linux, python, and java tags for these are the environments I am most comfortable, but would be willing to bend for the right solution. I am trying to do some research before I go out and reinvent the wheel.
There are several ways to script this, both using external scripts and scripts within OpenOffice. See the following links for some examples:
- http://juretta.com/log/2006/08/10/convert_microsoft_word_to_docbook_xml_using_ruby_and_openoffice/
- http://www.oooninja.com/2008/02/batch-command-line-file-conversion-with.html
- http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2006/01/11/from-microsoft-to-openoffice.html
- http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-announce-list/2006-May/004951.html
- http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/unoconv/
Some of the above links aren't using Java or Python, but the principles still apply and the scripts are typically short enough that they can be ported (the first example is in Ruby, but it's my personal favorite due to the simplicity).